I went to the parade. Here’s Chelsey marching as a cheerleader.

She had friends over in the afternoon. Just when you think they are “adults” look at what they did….Sidewalk Chalk Drawings.

She called me outside for pictures because she even made me quilt pictures. Kids…..
Back in January Chelsey and I were talking. She’s into journaling (She’s thinks Laura is the coolest Mom around) I had told her that I had always wanted to keep a journal of quilts I made. I’d put fabric swatches and pictures with dates and why I made each piece. I had never followed through. It was ‘one of these days’ kind of ideas. She said, ”Mom—you’ve got to do it. Start right now.”

So this year I did it. It will probably evolve more over time. But I look back over the 8 pieces I’ve completed this year and I’m glad I’m writing things down. Wal-mart makes it easy to do photos since you can order on-line. I’m taking pictures for the weblog anyway so I just send in a few pictures and place them in the journal.
Looking back over this posting, I guess you can tell I’ve been by myself too much, because I keep going on and on and on…I better get busy and get to work.
1. Safe travel for Family on the holiday.
2. Tacos with Chelsey
3. Daisies
4. 15+ hours of daylight right now in the U.P.
quite the artist with the sidewalk drawings... very cute.
I love your journal... I need to do that with my quilts..
I too keep thinking about starting a quilt journal, even tried once, but its never really "taken". Glad to hear yours is working out successfully for you. The sidewalk drawings are great -- would make intersting scrap fiber art postcards to send to each of hte girls at some point...
I love the chalk drawings - isn't it nice that they can be little kids again even if only for short flashes - in fact there are times when we should all be kids occasionally :o) I have a rough idea where you live from finding Green Bay on the map - in my ignorance I guess you're almost in Canada - the US does wide open spaces and wilderness so much better than in the crowded UK where we have very few places like that and the rest of the land is so over-populated
Welcome to the ring!
I love your blog- I feel the same way. I don't have teenagers, but my 4 kids keep me so busy and I help me husband with his business, so it's not the easiest thing to have lots of friends to talk with. With blogs, I love how I can read and post comments when I have time, I also enjoy seeing everyone's work. Most my friends here aren't quilters, so having blogs to visit is really fulfilling for me.
I love your journal idea! And the sidewalk drawings are wonderful! I also love the idea for the scraps you leave in the woods! I didn't mean to write so much. I'm out of town, and the computer won't let me log in to post on my blog, I guess that's why I'm so longwinded. Thanks for all the inspiration! Kim :-)
Love those chalk drawings!!! And your quilt journal is very nice. I keep a notebook of projects too, but mostly it is just pics-in-progress. I need to write more about the whys and wherefores!
great idea on the journal--thank your daughter for giving you the push.
She knew the way to her mother's heart with the quilts and patches motifs.
I suspect that the journal is one of those things that is hard to get started but once you get going you'll never give it up. wouldn't it be fascinating if our forebears had also kept journals so that we knew more of the stories behind old quilts - all the more reason to keep one.
Sounds like a perfect holiday to me also..and I think I'd like more of it right away please!!
Great chalk drawings...gotta love the way they grow up and then fall back...LOL
The journal idea is a neat one!
I started a journal scrapbook not too long ago and luckily I still have some fabric of all the quilts i made. I just bought a 3ring binder and plastic page protectors and made out a quilt questionare to go along with the fabric swaps and pics.
I wish my hubby would want to move somewhere! I can't get him out of here and I'd go any place ELSE!
Your daughter is beautiful, inside and out. Good thing she encouraged you to move on the journal. I've found mine to be so valuable to me and after visiting Laura's blog last week, I'm looking at adding more to mine than I do now!
Good Job!! Thanks for the compliments on my new block!
Oh how fun are the quilt drawings! My kids wouldn't be caught dead drawing anything for me related to quilting! And what a wonderful journal. I still always say I will "someday" but never do! Good for your daughter in getting you going. And yes - Laura is the coolest mom!
Chelsey is a real artist! Love the sidewalk art. Your journal looks great!
Thanks for the idea of the tie dye shirts! The girls had so much fun last night. I think I am going to buy some more stuff and do some of my own!
Hi Screen Door!! Love the story about how you ended up in the UP. We have a place in Door County where we want to retire to someday, there is nothing like being "up nort"!
Your daughter is definately an artist, and I love that you got her very interested in your patchwork through journaling.
Thanks for the inspiration about making a journal, I started one years ago but someone made a comment to me, "Get a life" so I stopped. Now, years later, I realize that the woman who said that needs a life!
You've inspired me to start up my quilt journal again!
Love the sidewalk drawings and your journal! How wonderful to live around Green Bay and Door County, it's one of the best places in the world.
This is my first visit to your blog and I just love it, I'll definitely be visiting again. Your journal is a lovely idea, and you've done it in such a lovely way.
Nice sidewalk art.
Good idea about the quilt journal. Every year I start one, but never follow through. Maybe when I retire things like that will get done.
We're looking at a move to Minneapolis and I'm VERY afraid of the winters. Having lived my entire life in the Southeast it's going to be a huge adjustment.
I like your journal - I have a couple photo ablums with pictures and a blurb about each quilt but I need to update it - I haven't added any pictures for a while.
I print out my blog on a monthly basis and am using that as my journal both for quilting and life in general.
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