No, it’s not my wooden screened door, but it would be really great if it were. There just needs to be a quilt on the bench. It just makes that house look inviting… anyone’s house. I remember the slam of my grandmother’s screen door. The aluminum hydraulic doors just don’t give that same sound…
Have you ever walked around someone depending on their moods? When you get around them, you kind of hold your breath and case out the situation and decide what kind of day it’s going to be? It gets old really quick. Then you have to decide the next move. I just keep telling myself, no one can get you down unless you allow them to. The day is going to come and go. Is it going to be wasted on things you can’t help? My days are way too valuable for that. And besides I’ve got too many quilts to make, flowers to pick, weeds to pull, Sunday school lessons to teach, and miles to walk Ransom….and the list goes on and on and on… At work I spend 9 hours (at least) a day—my best 9 hours. Why spend it worrying about things you can’t help?
Vent of the day…and now that is over. I’ve got all but the embroidery done on the Americana project. I’ll have to post a picture soon. I’m not that good at embroidery, but we are going to give it our best shot…
Hey, It IS Friday. Have a great weekend. Get an ice cream cone for me.
Until tomorrow – live up today.
it is VERY hard work to walk through an emotional minefield all the time. I must admit to sometimes putting on my armour and just marching -- that is not bothering to try to pick my way between the mines, but just watch them go off -- they can be almost as fun as going to a fireworks show if I'm well prepared :-) Hope the day goes well, and yes Its FRIDAY!!!!
I am sure we all have walked on eggshells like that at some point. Your attitude is good though - focus on what you have going away from that - especially the quilting.
Ice cream and Ice tea all around this weekend.
Yep been there. It is very hard work to do. Glad it is Friday so you can have a couple of days off from it.
Ice cream sounds lovely. I have root beer popsicles in the freezer, and am going to get one right now because I wouldn't be very considerate if I refused your offer, now would I?
I love your door photo...it's what I dream of, especially the creak and slam of it.
I walk on eggshells during my best 9 hours each day too....but I think about quilting and that makes my days happy.
Have a great weekend, hope it's cooled off.
I used to have a boss like that, she was so unpredictable, and could make or break your day depending on what mood she was in. You have the right attitude, do your best not to let the other person affect your mood, if they're getting you down, focus on the positives in your life :-)
I love the picture you posted. Wouldn't it be lovely to come home to that each day? It looks so warm and inviting.
Sending huge *hugs* your way
During the school year, our daughter can be like that-Mike says we walk on eggshells every weekend she comes home. We deal with it and she goes back to school.
Hope your Friday after work was wonderful.
Love that picture, straight out of the Waltons. Screen doors are a real piece of Americana for me - we don't need them here in the UK - in theory at least, though if the weather stays the way it is now we might do before long.
Enjoyed your post- maybe shouldn't have enjoyed it so much... but I did. Quiltpixie is so right. Be your cheerful self- slap a stupid smile on and act like you are completely oblivious to their emotional angst. They have to grow up sometime. So sweet of you to call that DSisIL and let her know you appreciate her. Our gardening sounds too similiar.
vent all you like, it's much better than letting it all out and regretting it later. smart woman. And yes, I love the sound of a wooden door slamming--the new doors now a days don't cut it. And thanks, I think I will treat myself to an ice cream cone! Hope you had one too! :)
Isn't amazing how one person can change the atmosphere of a workspace? Your good attitude can help others who are also being forced to walk on eggshells.
Think of happy times quilting and that beautiful doorway!
You're so right in determining how you want to spend your day and not letting someone else determine it for you.
My Mom used to say, "Don't slam the (SLAM) door"! I loved the old wooden screen doors and tried to tell DD about the difference just the other day!
Hi Mel, good to see you and the really great wooden screen door picture. It's gorgeous and looks like just what I would want on my little Tasha Tudor cottage. Guess we can all dream, can't we? And that's a very good thing.
I totally know of what you speak..and it sure is a tiresome thing isn't it??
Almost nothing that anyone else can say that will help or change the situation. But certainly the people near by suffer.
Hope you got out in the part of the garden or woods that suits you best and took time to breathe in the country air and smell the flowers for pine needles floor of the forest. Hugs, Finn
Love the screen door! We still have the orignal wooden screen doors on our 1890 home. I wish they were ornate, they are just plain old looking doors.
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