Life is good at home. Don and I say a trip would be nice, but we get so little time alone at home, this is week is a vacation, and you don't have to leave home. We rented the movie 'Failure to Launch' last Night. Guaranteed Giggles. I highly recommend it. We also had Garlic Chicken pizza. I'm not much of an adventurer when it comes to food. I like what I like, I don't try many new things...Well I tried this and it was great.
When I was in college my roommates and I had this game called the Best Boyfriend award. Girls come back from weekends, compare notes and who was 'the Best Boyfriend??' Even after we 'grew up' and got married we still talked occaisionally and always said,'Law makes you a husband, but it's that great guy that gets the Every so Often Boyfriend Award'. I think Don got it today. You will appreciate it. We went to Appleton, WI shopping and for lunch. It's about an hour and a half drive. The first place he took me was the Patchwork Sampler. It's one of the nicest quilt shops I've ever been to. Remember it, I'm confident one day it well make the top ten list. Anyway they were having a sale and a fat quarter sale on top of it. Honey, I got my bag and started going for it. Then I stopped and thought. I have fabric at home. The idea of the group is too lower the stash. Well, with a whole lot of will power I put the fat quarters back. I did make the purchases below.

I felt like they were great deals for backing and I really have no yellow fabric so I felt it was legal. The Scrappy patterns were just necessary therapy.
Stay with me now, I pay for my purchases. and go to the car where Don is waiting. He pulls out and we start driving away. I tell him about my great will power and about my purchases (he even listens!!)Well, I tell him about the fat quarter sale, and he almost demands I go back in there for more fabric!!! I almost died...No , Don I'm Good. But Mel, if it's that good of a deal, let's turn around----last chance...
Just when you've got them figured out--bam! They go and do something nice---hence--The Boyfriend Award, any guy can be a husband, but it's that great one that is ...the Boyfriend....
Now we did do some window shopping for motorcycles (an incredible learning experience) and cars (you know the kind you'll buy AFTER the kids are raised).
All and All I had a wonderful day.
1. Safe travel today
2. Pizza
3. quilt shop sales
Sounds like a nice trip! I wonder if he thinks he will get you busy quilting, offer to buy you lots of fabric, then buy a motorcycle for himself... lol
What a nice husband.
Thanks for the information about the quilt shop in Appleton. I will be in that area at Christmas time and will try to visit the shop.
Your husband definitely sounds like he deserves the award. He was probably making sure you don't go back for those FQs AFTER the sale. I like the idea of the Best Boyfriend award. I might just have to institute that for my group of friends.
Wow! Your husband definitely deserves the award. I luuurve Miss Rosies quilt patterns, I got a lot of while in US, and they're great for stash reduction. I'm glad you liked the movie, it's on my 'to see' list. I just saw The Break Up. It's good to, but kinda sad.
great husband! I have had fun reading your most recent blog entries today - I have actually been to the Buggy Barn store in Eastern Washington - it is a wonderful place and I hope to go again one day. Thanks for all the inspiration
Isn't great when they know what makes you happy and want you to have it? A most definite "best boyfriend" moment.
Sounds like a great day with a really good friend, are one lucky lady..*VBS* And talk about resisting did good!
The patterns look like fun..and of course yellow is always a good're a daffodil after all..*G*
Enjoy the quiet house!!
Your DH is a keeper :-) Lovely fabrics and patterns.
Sounds like you had a great day - good for Don - he obviously knows what makes you happy! I forgot to ask how the quilt you sent to France with Eric was received - did you get any feedback?
The description of a daffodil doesn't read wimpy to me! Apparently snapdragons are always up to mischief - which is a bit worrying:-)
WOW! (Good for you to keep that will power in check!)
From the one who was a whole list of things in her equilter account as I type. I am giving myself until the end of the day to make up my mind. :o)
Yep, I would give him the "best boyfriend" award too. Aiding and abetting perhaps but I wouldn't really count it if he insisted you go back in.
I used to live near Oshkosh and Appleton, WI--went to Winneconne Public schools as a kid. My dad was ordained at small country church and we left in 63. Blast from the past.
Good picks on the patterns, BTW.
Wow! Great husband...hopefully mine will get the great boyfriend award again sometime soon!
What a great day!
oh, I love your neccessary therapy! Selective shopping feels good too! My DH encourages me to buy way too much fabric too - he is my biggest quilt fan (well, after Little Boy).
And, exactly what kind of car does one drive after the kids are grown??? Got to know - am thinking of getting a 2 seater sports car just for Little Boy and me, much to my DH's amusement!
Thank you so much for telling us about the shop in Appleton! I'm going on a bus trip shop hop with my guild through Wisconsin so I suggested this shop to our leader. :-)
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