We just felt bad for about 6 hours, but everyone is feeling OK now. Must have been a bug.

I finish the first of the two Americana Projects. It’s not pressed or had the ‘once over’ for thread cutting, but I wanted to get a picture before the rain starts. It was totally made from scraps and fabrics from my stash. It’s darker in colors than the original pattern. I used a fusible web to attach the appliqués and button holed around them. But I had an”oops”. The water pot spout moved when I pressed the iron down. I didn’t think much about it---thinking well, maybe it was meant to be there. BIG mistake. Upon finishing the project I realized it was off center. It’s that “attention to detail” thing that I suck at. But what I lack there, I think I made up for in creativity. I added the watermelon vine and a couple of leaves.Viola!!!
I made the binding colored instead of cream like the pattern so that really made the centering problem stand out. So be fore-warned and if you do this project or any of the cottage creek backdoor series patterns, I’ve been your guinea pig.
I’ve got just 3 more letters to embroidery and I’ll have my Mom’s complete. Pictures maybe tomorrow….
I’m on the bandwagon for Vicky’s 7/27/06 challenge to use stash fabric and no fabric purchases for the month of August. My husband will probably hug her neck. We’ve got College tuition, winter propane, and 2 tons of pellets for our pellet stove to purchase this month. I love a dare. I think I can do it.
1. New cell phone service—better reception in the woods.
2. My son helping me with the new phone.
3. Cheerios
4. Listening to Eric and Don laughing downstairs-Who's going to miss who when Eric leaves?
thanks for posting about the fabric diet - I am definately going to join in on this one.
love your watering can quilt - and I am glad you "bug" didn't last too long.
glad the bug moved on quickly.
I think your wall hanging looks perfect! I love the vine you added. They say quilting mistakes sometimes make the finished piece way better than it would have been otherwise.
Glad you are all feeling better!
Glad you're feeling better!
I would NEVER have picked out that spout if you hadn't said something about it first... don't tell!
Sounds like you might have had food poisoning. Glad everybody is better.
The quilt is pretty. The design choices you made help actually make the quilt yours. Good for you for using up your stash.
Looks like the vine and leaves were always meant to be there!
Very cute!
I'm so glad you're feeling better, and that your heatwave has broken. The wall hanging looks lovely, if you're worried about the spout, you could tell yourself that's your amish bit ... you know, the one little imperfection.
I would like to be on the fabric diet too. I ordered something from Hancocks last week, so I guess that means I've broken the diet already. I'll be your cheerleader instead!
Have a great week
The little banner is great! Your additions solved the problem, and it looks better this way than without - more character! Some of my best quilts have come from looking for a solution to a problem.
Oooh, love your Sweet Liberty quilt--looks perfect to me! Are your letters hand or machine embroidered? If hand, what thread did you use. Just love it.
Glad you and your family are "all better" now.
I never would have noticed the spout, and I think your binding is a better choice.
cute fix, I never would have know about the "oops."
Looks terrific, Melanie. I would not have noticed the error unless you pointed it out. "Apples out of oranges" with the vine as I could not imagine the pattern without it.
Wonder what weird little bug hit you all but thankfully didn't stick around all day?
Cute quilt. I am a sucker for anything with an Americana flair. Glad the bug didn't last too long -- it's never fun to not feel well.
Thats adorable :) I am glad you feel better! xoxo melzie
I think it's lovely, doesn't look off centre at all to me. You seem to have made it really quickly - and I really like the way you've hung it from the tree.
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