I finished my Gift for my Mother-in-law.

I usually hate everything I sew for about 2 weeks after it is complete, but I really like this piece. If I could change anything, I think I would have put a big black crow sitting on one of the pumpkins on each side of the table runner. I’m shipping it to her this week.
My piece for my Mom and the kids teacher is coming along well too.

Working on the pumpkin piece I ran out of thread 3 times. But it was always after I completed the portion that needed that color thread—there was always just enough. I need ten colors of thread to do the machine appliqué for my mom’s piece and amazingly enough I had every color. How often does that happen---very seldom. As corny as it sounds, I feel like when I do things for the right reasons, things seem to fall into place.
I had 6 kids in Sunday school. We talked about giving. I told them how it is not enough to give of your time or to help others if you do it begrudgingly. Your heart has to be in the right place. I think I got the point across, but that’s not an easy concept for adults much less 4 and 5 year-olds.
Don tilled in-between the rows of my garden for me, so that means less time weeding. It’s another one of those things he does for me that I never take for granted.
Say a prayer for Chelsey. She’s got another interview tomorrow.
1. Tall glasses of ice water.
2. Homemade salads
3. Air conditioning in my car.
You do lovely work! You think after doing a Dear Jane quilt, I'd could tackle anything, LOL, but I would love to do more applique and just haven't gotten up the courage...maybe I will start with a small wallhanging...maybe an Americana one to remind me of home in July!
Well, you certainly have made progress on your Mom's project in such a short amount of time! Table runners is a good size to work with in the summer - not fabric draping over your lap making you hotter! And yes, A/C in cars is a very good thing!
The table runners are nice. It looks like you enjoyed working on them. Keep up the good work.
Ohh, I like them both! I don't do much applique, but these turned out cute. :)
You're finishing quilts and starting new ones -- you can't be in the sewing room all the time (vbg)! I think you're doing quite well. Love the pumpkins and the new summer ones, and the black eyed susans -- mine haven't started blooming yet!
your quilts are lovely and your Sunday school lesson was a good reminder to me - thanks for posting
Love the watering can applique - very cute.
I love both your quilts, you do amazing work! I know your MIL will be very grateful indeed. I'm sending Chelsey good wishes, I know she's going to do just great!
Spending time with your husband is very important - I would say even more important - than quilting, so it sounds like you have your priorities straight. Both of your quilts are beautiful. You stage your photos so well for picturetaking. I just throw mine on the floor and stand on a chair and take a weird angled look at the quilt.
And generous of you to make a quick quilt for a gift.
Hi Mel, thanks for the P.S...*VBS* Hope you know I wasn't really taking you "to task" just wanting to let you know it's really ok to be where you are, in the process..*VBS*
Super going gal, and on a hot day besides. The pumpkin runner looks wonderful. I'm sure she will love it!! And way to go on having the thread colors you needed and getting so far on the 2 for gifts..*VBS*
Apparently the whole nation is experiencing this heat wave. I hope the woods close to you aren't terribly dry..seems to be a huge threat right now for so many. Have a great week, hugs, Finn
Oooh, I love both of those quilts! My kind of stuff. Crows are cool, aren't they? DH can't understand my fascination with them. He thinks they are just nuisances. I say they are the "characters" of the woods!
Love the two pieces you made and love the setting on your porch. Nice lesson at Sunday School. Hope the weather cools off for you and for all of us. :-)
Hi Mealnie! Getting a bit of computer time and trying to read around the blogs ... your pumpkin runner is lovely! Aaah, don't you wish it was (coooool) autumn!?
Jeanne :)
I was just browsing through everything I've missed the last 2 weeks or so (since I"ve been busy) and I couldn't believe the watering can with the flag and flowers! Can you believe a friend I stayed with last weekend at the retreat just got done making about 6 of them for gifts and has one hanging in her kitchen! The exact same pattern! How funny!
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