Sooooo, the extra blocks became a safety net…It kept me focused on the plan and made it easier to let go. Hey, it worked. It even made it seem like not such a big deal. And Eric seemed real proud of it as he packed. If anything, it was a gift for him.
And I’ve decided to use the remainder blocks for another gift giving opportunity. There have been times when someone needed a quilt. A friend was in a car accident; someone’s mother passed away; I had a friend whose son went to Iraq; all great chances to let someone know you care. It felt so good to give the quilt away. I just can’t whip up a quilt. But I can make one and save it for 'just in case'.
I haven’t written in three days. I have missed it. It’s so funny how quickly habits are formed. But I bet there has been it least a dozen times that I said, “Hey, I need to write that down.”
Hang in there, Have a good week.
Until tomorrow--- Live up today---
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