If I can make it through the day I’m looking at the weekend… at last. Wednesday I drove 9 hours (4.5 each way) to pick up Chelsey from her leadership conference. Pretty proud of myself. I’ve never driven that far or that long. Yeah, I know, I’ve led a sheltered life. Chelsey and I laughed and relived her week all the way home. I knew I was pretty far north when I started picking up Canadian radio stations…When then said the High temp for tomorrow was between 2 and 3 and the low was –1…I stopped and thought---I didn’t know it was supposed to get that cold, and then it clicked…Celsius… yeah, I know… more of that really sheltered life thing….
I was beat last night. I would have done some handwork, but didn’t have anything ready to go. So that’s what I did. I knew I had no business being behind my sewing machine, so I traced, cut out, and ironed my next BOM piece. I even stabilized the background with interfacing and sewed on the muslin strips for extra room. So next time “I’m tired”, I’ll have entertainment.
This isn’t a gift to me--- this is a 9-1-1 gift that I felt a mandatory obligation to ship out earlier this week.

I sent this to a friend who has never read one of Jennifer Chiaverini’s books. She said she’s not even much of a reader. But I guess I’m no different than a drug pusher… because I intend on getting her hooked. She’s crazy about quilting and loves fabric more than I (if that’s possible). She’s going love the books, I just know it…
On Wednesday when I was headed to get Chelsey---she started panicking that I wouldn’t get there on time. Don was supposed to pick her up, but work was too demanding. So, I left and hour earlier that I felt I needed to “just to make sure”. Of course, I got there, an Hour too soon. I called Don to let him know I made it (cell phones are wonderful), He says, “You’ve got time to go to a quilt shop--- did you get one picked out?” I had been so wired about the distance—I hadn’t even thought about fun. “No, I didn’t have time…” so Don comes to the rescue… “ I’ll Google it…” So from his desk, he finds me a shop and tells me how to get there… What a guy. I’m going to remember this… At least for the next 3 or 4 times he aggravates me---he gets a get out of jail free pass--- you can’t be mad at a guy who would do that for you….
I went to the Quilted Moose, It was a small shop, but the lady was incredibly friendly. And I even stumbled across a Joann’s Fabric store too. Here are my souvenirs from the trip.

Is it fate--- just maybe….After a tough day at work yesterday, I headed to the grocery store. With the time change, it’s getting dark really early and I wanted to get home to run Ransom. Of course… I had to practically park in the next county--- everyone needed groceries the same time I did. But because of that, I had to walk right by our local bookstore and I got the last copy of this….

I could have got it cheaper on-line, I know, but somehow it made the long lines at the grocery store a little easier. It was destiny. I was meant to have this book.
I think I’m looking toward a great weekend…a road trip, some quilting and a good book….