Check if off ---- another Primitive Garden Block completed. I was ready for “burnout” to kick in, but before this block was ironed or squared up, and I went down in my sewing basket deciding which block to start on next. Tomorrow I’ll have a photo of it. I do think every block should be as easy as this one. The next block has 42 pieces—if I counted correctly.
The weather for the past 3 days has been in the Mid 50’s every day. Winters are so long we’ll take every day of this we can get. The 15th is opening day of shotgun deer season. That means Ransom and I have to tuck away for two weeks. It’s not safe to be in the woods. I almost hit a Buck on the way to work yesterday, so there should be a bumper crop.
Friday night Don and I went to see American Gangster. We stopped for ‘Takeout’ on the way home and as we headed up our road, there was a huge Black Bear strolling down the middle of the road. He moved over to let us by—Wish I had my camera… it was a sight.
I won’t be quilting again until Thursday. I’ve got work on my Sunday Class tonight to do and Church tomorrow night. I’ve got to get our turkey for Thanksgiving this week. Don laughs at Chelsey. No one is really crazy about turkey, so I suggested Chicken or Ham. But Chelsey declared that we WOULD have turkey… doesn’t matter if we like it or not. It’s what you do on Thanksgiving…” Don laughed. “Mel, she’s just like you….”
I’m OK with that…

Emailing Friends
Talking with Eric
Apples for snack
OU.... FTC! Lovely block! I cannot wait to see the finished quilt. What is the white stuff underneath? Thanksgiving is quickly approaching! Will your son be home? We are having Stephen's family come up. This means cousins also. We should be more than 20 people! They all want to go to Montreal on Friday! It will be a lovely time. Keep well!
Darling block!!! BTW, what did you think of American Gangster? Thought I might take DH to see it--he loves gangster movies LOL.
Send your leftover turkey here--we love it!!!
What a lovely block! We don't do turkey for Thanksgiving at all - Roast Leg of Lamb is our preferred choice for special days. Glazed ham is always nice as well and usually produces loads of leftover.
I'm with Chelsey, turkey's not my favorite, but what a giggle her comment was. Love your block, and oh my gosh a bear in the middle of the road, do you see many of them? I suppose your thoughts on seeing bears are similar to mine on seeing kangaroos on the roads.
Love your block. This is going to be a wonderful quilt. Isnt' it funny how attached we get to traditions. Everytime I suggest something a bit different for Thanksgiving or Christmas my family gives me the evil eye.
Great block. I seem to be stuck on the watering can, maybe I should do this one and go back and finish the wc.
I almost hit a buck and three different does in the last couple of weeks -- Bill calls it the silly season for deer!
Wow -- Bear -- we don't have any around here, thankfully.
Look at you go! Turkey is a must have for us . . . not so much for the hot meal but days and days of turkey sandwiches that follow *yum*
I also try to stay out of the woods with Roo during hunting season. Even though I don't go off my own property, you never know where those hunters are going to pop up! I've never seeen a bear.
Love your block! Too cute! Imagine seeing a bear walking down the road! Do you have snow on the ground or did it come and go?
What about turkey and ham? I just made wonderful turkey and dumplings with the last turkey out of my freezer.
Your block is wonderful...how was the movie?
Chelsey is so right...turkey is the tradition, Thanksgiving is about tradition so turkey it is. Oh and it smells so good cooking.
I'm sorry but I have to agree with Chelsey. It has to be turkey and pumpkin pie. Your block is lovely. I have put mine away until after Christmas.I have the first block done and the second one needs to be stitched down. Thanks for sharing.
I agree with kcquilter, I love turkey too. I am wondering how common it is to see bears?
"I almost hit a Buck on the way to work yesterday, so there should be a bumper crop."
Oh Mel - that is so funny! Gorgeous block and really really looking forward to seeing the finished quilt. Have a good Thanksgiving and enjoy the turkey.
It is wonderful! As all of them have been! Oh this is just going to be one wonderful quilt!
The block looks nice! I am going to pick that one up next because I know it will go faster than block #1. I have a few leaves left and I am done! Because I am doing this in wool, I have to fuse them to the background first, so I have all of mine cut out and stuck down and just need to complete the sewing now. I don't trust my applique enough yet for a big project like this. I would be sewing forever!
So cool to actually see bears walking around! My DH will be jealous when I tell him :o)
Your quilt block is adorable! I am a turkey fan too, but I also want stuffing with my Thanksgiving turkey. It's not Thanksgiving without the stuffing.
Great block....deer, bears crossing the road-where are you again????
My gobbler just died a natural death at 10 years old, he would have said, "Buy the chicken!!!"
Sounds great...but not the getting shot at part! Tracey
Love that block -- isn't it nice when things come together quickly?? We like turkey here, but, once a year is pretty much enough for us! That's why for Chritsmas -- it's standing rib roast!
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