Quilting gifts that went out the door yesterday. Here’s the first, a journal and book.

I also threw in an extra sewing machine foot that I had for free motion quilting. Lord knows, I’m not a pro with it, maybe she could put it to good use.
The 2nd gift was a gift bag filled with ribbon spools and pecans for a girl at work. When things go bad at work, she’s been there to talk to.

But she’s understanding and a great sounding board. It wouldn’t be Christmas without remembering her.
Chelsey got Saturday school which 5 hours on a Saturday in a classroom for studying. That’s a lot better than a suspension. I hope she’s learned a big lesson from all of this.
Game plan for the weekend—my office party tonight. It should be fun. Then four days off of work. I plan on sleeping late, watching old movies, baking goodies, and listening to tons of Christmas music. We got a snow storm forecasted for Saturday night/ Sunday--- bring it on---I’ll have everyone tucked in at home.
Lots of tension at home. I don’t know if it’s holiday pressure, the weather, Illnesses going around or what. I’m hoping the next few days allows everyone to slow down and have some “by them-self time” and some family time too. I think it will fix everyone’s feelings…I’ve never considered us a really “sensitive” family, but we all seem to be wearing our feelings on our shoulders.
Oh I love the journal book you made, so pretty, and that snowman is too adorable. Hope you enjoy your time at home with the family.
Dear Mel, Here's a (((HUG))) for you to start with. So sorry about the car / deer thing, oh my. Having raised three sons (who at times tested their mother for sure) I can testify that there IS life after raising teenagers. The gifts you are giving are so generous. Enjoy your party, your weekend of sleeping in, the movies and the music, and all the stuff that you want to do. I wish you lots of joy and safe keeping during the holiday. CW
What lovely gifts, Mel! They are sure to be treasured! Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Yes, we definitely are in for some weather this weekend. Here in Wisconsin also. I completely understand about parenting. I have 3 girls, 17, 18 and 19, and while they are super great, they definitely have had their share of mishaps. It is so hard, but we just have to keep parenting on! Have a wonderful, relaxing, happy holiday weekend.
I am so glad you all right after your run in with the deer. Too scarey! Merry Christmas to you Melanie!
That gift bag is just TOO cute! If I were her I think I'd love the bag more than the contents!
I'm glad Chelsea's punishment didn't involve suspension. I felt for you so much reading about what happened. My son, too, was a basically good kid - but sometimes he made stupid mistakes because he temporarily suspended his better judgement. It was all I could do not to rush to his rescue because I thought the punishment was too harsh for the crime.
Wishing your entire family a nice restful Christmas time together - you sound like you have some great plans! Especially the sleeping in . . . .
Mel, I check your blog daily because we have very similar quilting/decorating styles. Another deer and another grey hair from your daughter! ..Oh my! Could you remind us where you got the pattern for the journal cover? Is that the one that you made that fits regular spiral notebooks? Merry Christmas!
*sigh* I know how hard this is . . . I've lived it . . . and I survived a teen daughter and I'm still here to tell the tale. Hang on - trust me you will both laugh about it - - one day *s*
The gifts are very beautiful. I'm sure they will be loved.
Glad all went okay with your daughter. I have 2 boys, 14 and 5, I'm sure I will go through the same thing with them.
Have a nice holiday!
Oh no, good thing it wasn't worse on you with the deer. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with the kids, but hoping it gets easier.
Oh my gosh - I am so sorry about the deer - glad you are okay. The journal is lovely. I hope the party was fun. Maybe the next four days will bring some time to dissolve the tension or you could just say "calgon, take me away!"
Sorry to hear about your car! Enjoy your days off, I am on vacation also til after the New Year! Yahoooo!! will be doing much the same as you, recharging the batteries..
You did the right thing with Chelsey. You need to nip it in the bud. She will understand later down the road. I've been there and done that. Have a wonderful holiday!
I have a copy of that book - what I learned from God while quilting. Good gift choice. Sorry about the deer :-(
Merry Christmas to you, Mel!
Have you thought about putting one of those little screamer things on your bumper? They're supposed to alert/scare the deer. Don't know if they work, but it's worth a try. Both dh and I have hit one each. Yuck.
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