I’m thinking about ¼ inch buttons for the eye, but it will have to wait as we have no fabric store in town and Wal-mart doesn’t specialize. I haven’t done any stitching on the prototype yet, but I’m kicking around using that invisible thread and a tiny zigzag stitch. These postcards along with the others were going to be Christmas cards… now becoming New Year’s cards.

But If I get under time constraints—they’ll be “Just because” cards. Life just happens that way…
The quilting portion of this post is done. Anyone not interested in a testimony on life can click on. As a parent I find every day the task only gets harder. I have a 17 and a 19 year old. In my opinion they are good kids. Not perfect--- you may have perfect kids--- but they are good kids. But I’m the one that seems to be continuing learning lessons on life. I got a call from Chelsey’s teacher yesterday—she cut a class. You’re probably grinning right now--- remembering the time you did the exact same thing. Hey – I did it. But she wrote a note saying she had a doctor’s appointment and signed my name. She had called me early in the morning…”Mom, I cut 5th hour. I’m sorry I’ll never do it again, but I took care of everything ok?” I busted her chops and said, we’d talk about it when I got home from work. It never occurred to me how she took care of it. Now the teacher is calling—she cut the class on test day, (a class that she has an “A” in by the way) and lied to cover herself. I didn’t cover for her. The hardest thing I’ve done in a while. She has to learn there are consequences—we find out today if she gets suspended or not--. Her Dad has put healthy penalties on her at home. She’s just so busy, she’s not thinking of consequences or the depth of the wrongs she’s done. And I want to make this all go away with a band-aid and a hug but she’s almost an adult and you can’t. In life, you have “integrity” calls—she’s got to realize that. (Am I trying to convince you or me)?
She’s a B student, she has an after school job, active in school, There’s no drugs involved--- I need to count my blessings. One day, when’s she’s thundering away in a courtroom, or Speaking Nightly news on television, or maybe lecturing in front of a classroom, we’ll laugh and remember when… But from a Mom’s point of view this has been the toughest one in a while. It’s incredibly hard letting your kid fail—it would have been much easier to cover for her…
Why am I writing this down? One day God will give her three daughters and she will look back and remember this, but from the other side of the fence…. Or maybe one day I won't be around to cover for her and she has to learn to think things through on her own...
Letting our children suffer the consequences of their actions is one of my hardest things for a parent to do. You did the right thing. Good luck and hang in there!!
Perfect children? Not me.
As parents, we pick our battles. It seems especially with seniors. For what it's worth, I think you picked the right one. Soldier on.
I love chickadees too...sadly we don't have them in the UK...though we have coal tits that are very similar. I can remember as a child in Canada that there was one place in an arboretum close to where we lived that had chickadees that would eat from your hand..we even have a picture of one sitting eating off my sister's hat!
Reading this, I felt your mother's heart ache. I have gone through similar situations with my dd. And yep, for her it has taken more than one. But she is getting it. And your's will too. And they will be sorry, and will remember and will learn from it. And will we all survive. Take care.
Mel hon, this is such a hard road at times isn't it? You've done the right thing, even though sometimes the right thing seems much harder. I know she won't be thinking it now, but one day she'll look back and realise the valuable lesson she learned.
Mel you are a wonderful mom...this is one of the hardest things a mom has to go through...this is truly one of those times that it hurts mom as much as it does the child.
Yah, I feel for you! My good kid did some remarkably stupid things. And it hurt letting him reap the consequences--but it was so good for him! Made a strong man of integrity out of him. He's a real jewel.
Hang in there and stand firm, Mom!
Lucky you with cute little chickadees in your back yard!
Merry Christmas!
Linda H
One of my most-uttered sayings fits here - No-body tells you about this at ante-natal classes. It's so difficult to be cruel to be kind but you're no doubt doing her the biggest service you can over this - mind you that doesn't make it any easier for either of you (((hugs)))
Bless your heart - but you're on the right track, and you're helping Chelsey be on it, too.
I adore chickadees and enjoy them all year at the feeders and on the porch railing. Can't wait to see your completed chickadee postcard. And...love the others, too. Postcards were on my list, but they haven't happened yet.
Have a great weekend!
I loved this post! My daughter cut class and forged my signature as well and she's a good kid - so I know where you are coming from. Sounds like you are handling it well. I'm five years removed from the incident and I have to tell you I can't remember how we handled it at the time. Senility is bliss! *hehe* You're right, though, you'll all be laughing about it someday. You're a good mom.
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