It should be quiet today with deer hunting/firearm season in full swing. It sleeted some yesterday evening but Ransom and I got our last run in for two weeks until the season closes.
Here is the next Primitive garden block.

They call it the sap bucket. If I counted correctly it’s 42 pieces of appliqué. Lots better that the 102 of the watering can. I love the colors.
Chelsey’s heading downstate to the semi-final high school football game. This one is an overnighter, so Don and I have a weekend to ourselves again. He’s on call, but still I should get lots done.

My new icemaker—the other one died…
Lavender & vanilla fabric softener
I'm gonna love that block! The watering can was one of my favorites too. :D Hope you have a good day! (Aside from the frigid temps and even 'colder' gas prices!!)
That's a lovely block and hope you're good and truly awake after pumping gas so early in the morning. Enjoy your weekend - I could use one of those (alone with no kids!) - LOL.
Every time I see those blocks my heart swoons. Those are my colors and I love applique. - Guess what? IT is almost friday.
What wonderful colors! Yikes the cold weather hit you all quickly. That means it's headed my way. Ut oh.
Mmmm - Harper and I love Cheetos, too *s*
I paid $3.47 when I last filled up. That is just wrong. Thank goodness we can distract ourselves with wonderful quilting projects! I love your block.
Enjoy your weekend together! The new applique pattern looks wonderful! I’m amazed how cheap the gasoline is in your country! We have to pay $ 2,25 for 1 litre!! That’s $ 9.46 for a gallon! And we pay twice or three times the price for quilt fabrics, sigh...
I'm in agreement with the other comments, the block is beautiful. I paid $2.91 per gallon this morning. It's weird, here where I live it's almost 25 cents more than just down the highway about 12 miles. Can't figure out why. Since I was passing by I took advantage and filled up. We have blustery winds so the air feels colder than the actual reading.
Ohhh my word, I can't even imagine how cold that must be! I love the block, the colours are just lovely.
I had to wear my winter coat for the first time this season today. Yuck! I don't like the cold. The colors you have chosen for your block are beautiful!
Gas is $3.34 here in upstate NY today and the flurries are flying around. You are really cranking those blocks out. Which has the most pieces so far. Mine is in the closet until after Christmas. I have 1 and 1/2 done. Thanks for sharing.
The new block looks great - just thought I'd share yesterday in Adelaide - South Australia it was 37.8 degrees C. Your freezing I'm boiling.
I like this block too! You've done such a great job keeping up! It is going to be wonderul!
That block is going to be lovely -- but how many pieces did you say? Yikes!
Just checking in, I see you have been busy! Your PG blks looks fabulous! and as for the gas $$$ well grrrrrrrrrrrr is the best I can get out without having to wash my mouth out with soap! sighhhhh
I'm in love with every single block you've shown of this quilt. They sure picked great fabrics!
Got gas yesterday and finally stopped the pump at $40 and I really didn't fill it super full. The colors are great for that block, it should look lovely.
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