No, I didn’t say it, but I wish I had. Roy Lessin did in a Patterns of Grace calendar I have. What is it about a quilt? I’ve tried to tell someone why I’m so into quilts and I’ve found it hard to explain. They get this “Aunt Bea” impression and something out of Mayberry RFD and this ‘Oh My God’ look on their face. Now I’m not a closet quilter by any means…but I’m very careful about sharing something that means so incredibly much to me.
The temps have lessened some but the humidity is on the rise. We’re having a thunderstorm this evening. Eric just left to bring his girlfriend home. I’m wishing he’d come home. Yeah, I know there will be rain at college, but there’s this thing about mothering them when they are under your roof I guess. Do you ever turn the “Mom” switch off?
I ran Ransom, worked on my kids Sunday school lesson for this week, laundry, and Supper. I did put on a pot of soup so Don and I would have lunches for the rest of the week. The Vegetable Soup has beans, onions and bell peppers out of the garden.

I didn’t do any major sewing but I did piece this together. The blocks were already made. They were part of a block of the month that I’m convinced will never happen. So, I regrouped and I’m going to make it a smaller project. I had a minor anxiety attack thinking I didn’t have fabric to complete it. Remember, we’re making no fabric purchases this month. It is the first day and I’m already in a panic. But look at the piece I found in my stash. It’s a perfect match. I don’t know what I’ll do next, but it will make a nice small project for travel and the back porch on warm evenings.
The Rocking horse was a gift from my late Father-in-law. We were walking through a craft show together. I admired it and he got it for me. That’s just the way he was. I think about him every time I look at it. He passed away 11 years ago. He was a good person.
Well, Eric made it home; I better hit the hay…4:30 am gets here awfully early.
Very striking in two colors--classic blue and white. Terrific that you had something that you could use right there in the stash all the time!
I like the geese - are you going to continue with the same blocks? Glad you found something in your stash - it always makes me feel good to use stash rather than purchase something else.
way to stick to the no fabric and LOOK... and it worked! you've got a great fabric to go with it...
Wtg on finding perfect fabric in your stash!
I've been tempted to make some 4-block pillow forms, with zippers in the back, that I can use for seasonal storage. In the summer, I was thinking about stuffing it with my comforter, and in the winter, my beach towels and summer weight blanket could hide there. :)
lovely little rocking horse - items like that are lovely if they have special memories attached
as for being a closet quilter - try 'coming out' so to speak in the UK - quilting is much much less common over here and people think you're very strange especially those who've seen me tacking fabric over hexagons for my sofa throw - my response is 'well it doesn't harm anyone'
Your block is just lovely, like reeeeaaaaaallly lovely. Something I could see myself making right now! I just love the way you make the photos look so pretty, I think you must be channelling 'art director'. Great stuff!
Lovely take on a classic two color quilt- wonderful shades of blue, and the stash piece is just right!
Blue is my favorite color, so I think it's great. And that you found what you need in you stash is good too.
I know what you mean about the looks you get. My inlaws think it's "quaint" and a "nice little hobby". You should see the looks Mike(dh)gets when he talks about it.
Love the quilt. Isn't fun to make a top out of something that seemed to not be going anywhere? Would love to see Ransom.
Nope - the mom switch never turns off. When my kids are on a trip I worry think about them and pray they are safe until I know they are home. They are 32 and 30 and very responsible adults.
... Waiting for a Ransom picture!!
I enjoy reading your blog (reached through links from other bloggers), we have a lot in common although i'm in England. Here is a quote you might find of interest. It is from a book called 'Old Swedish Quilts' by Asa Wettre.
"In our uncertain world we seek our roots, anad through the patchwork quilts the past becomes visible. It is as if time and love are sewn into these quilts, as if they radiate an immense power".
Yes, your stash piece matches very well. It is going to be a very nice two-color piece. Can't wait to see what you do next.
I like your "Sweet Liberties" even with the off centering problems! I do that same thing. But that's what makes folk art so wonderful -- no one knows when you've made a mistake! I love it.
Don't panic on the fabric challenge -- I'm sure you have plenty to keep you busy this month!
Great post Mel!! *VBS* I don't think the Motherhood switch is ever "off". There may be an "out to lunch, back later" sign on the door but never a "moved, no forwarding address". I remember well how hard it is to have that firstborn go out into the world. She was a month shy of 18, and off to college. I wasn't sure I would survive having her gone. Well, I've learned to survive. It was equally hard when the second one, oldest son left for the opposite side of the state. I'm not sure there is really anything that changes the pain and sense of loss...wish I did..*S*
Awesome idea to attack and conquer that blue and white beginnings. I think a smaller size is a great idea. I'm not so much convinced that block swaps are a good thing for all. Hugs, for does with fawns, robins with fledgings and wild turkeys trotting... Finn
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