It’s Sunday evening. I’ve had a great weekend. Nothing exciting---that’s my kind of weekend. Grocery shopped and did the Wal-mart run Saturday morning. We don’t write a lot about grocery shopping, but that food doesn’t just magically appear in the cabinets. I like going early Saturday mornings before the crowd comes. It’s a little more peaceful that way. I had a bridal shower to go to Saturday afternoon. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but, at least for me, that’s when I have the most fun. It was really nice.I played in the garden, the rains have really made a difference. Don and took a 13 mile bike ride, I was pretty useless after that.
Not a lot of quilting going on, but don’t feel bad for me….I really worked on cleaning the sewing room out. Organization is the name of the game. I’m about half way through. I’ve got a hefty garbage bag full of old fabric—wools, corduroy, Halloween costume scraps that are going to St. Vinnie’s (our version of Good Will). As stupid as it sounds, I always kind of disloyal parting with fabric---any kind of fabric--- knowing the love I had for it. But after reading others journal entries and responses to mine, I’ve gotten unsentimental and parted with things I know I’d never use. And after all, maybe there is someone out there with a genuine use for these things. And it’s just wrong to hang on to something you’ll never use.
Among the cleaning I found these blocks.

When there was a quilt shop in town, she had a program for a while. For $2.00 you received a Ziploc bag of fabric squares that she had made up and you had to create a 12 inch block and return it by the end of the month. Your name was entered and there was a drawing to win the blocks. Of course the month I did it, the fabric colors weren’t exactly my favorites, but it was still fun. I won---- it’s always fun winning—my block was the first one in the second row. What will I do with the blocks??? I have no idea, but I loved seeing the workmanship of others. I have enough fabric to create a couple more blocks, which I keep all together with the squares. Maybe one day…..
I've got another workweek ahead, so I better turn in.
Gratitudes -
1. A weekend for afternoon naps
2. A husband that helps around the house
3. birch trees in the woods
sounds like my kind of weekend - I just love having time to clean out my closets although it seems that everytime I do this, I have more stuff to give away - must be breeding in the dark like my fabric stash :)
I so agree with you about things that you aren't looking forward to turning out to be fun. Unfortunately, the reverse of this (for me at least, sometimes) is that the things that you really are looking forward to turn out to be disappointing. Sounds like you had a good weekend anyway - I'm way impressed with the distance you are cycling.
Organization...around here we call it the "O" word. Good for you in getting rid of the stuff you know you won't use. It just might be someone's treasure.
Do you have enough background fabric to make alternating squares and set them into a small quilt? Just a thought.
Another timely post by you! Regarding sending the bag of fabric scraps off to a donation site, I am leaning towards that more and more as I pore through megatons of fabric that didn't make the cut in my stash reorg!
I like what you did with the "crook" in that tree. :o)
It's so nice to look at everything all neat and organized ... don't you just feel like you can be more creative when you can see all you have to create with? Grocery shopping -- ugh. A chore that is only a pleasure once it's finished.
Culling the stuff you no longer need/want is just the thing to create the space for the things you do--that and actually using it. You cannot "work" effectively in a messed up sewing room.
Someone else with more limited resources may be able to make some clothing with those wools and cords--what can be wrong with that? Good for you, Melanie.
I am off for the weekly marketing in about an hour. I don't hate the shopping part-- it is dragging it all in and putting it away especially since it is so hot right now. The hard part is guessing what I might want to eat 5 days from now when I barely feel like preparing it OR eating it.
We always hit Walmart every other Saturday for our 2 week shopping trip...very early before the store gets full!! We go the day after pay day.
Good job on the cleaning! I think it gets easier as we get older, to part with things we don't need anymore.
Grocery shopping is OK - it's the "putting the groceries away" that I dread.
Sounds like a great weekend to me..*VBS* Rain, garden, shopping for necessities giving a sense of satification, and a afternoon with gals...all good!!
Love, love, love the summer wreath! Right up my alley, the nature and the whimsey..thanks for sharing, hugs for a good work week with cooler temps, Finn
It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend *s*. Please sprinkle some of the inspiration to tidy the sewing room this way, I could use some organising.
Your block is the nicest one of the bunch, congrats on the win!
good for you to release those unloved fabrics and make room for the ones that make your heart sing!
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