I got Eric to school. I think he’s doing great. It’s been an adjustment at home. Chelsey says she thought when Eric went off to school, he’d be gone. But the way her Dad worries about him it’s like he’s still here… I just laugh.
Work has been incredibly busy--Computer crash issues, and catching up on work you missed. I took a day off to get Chelsey set up with school clothes and a Homecoming dance dress.
It’s my last Sunday with my SS kids. They will promote to a new class and I’ll get a new crop. Every year, I think ..”I’ll never get a group of kids this great..” But I always do. Change is never easy for me, even good ones.
I’m getting the chores done so I can play in my sewing room (Doesn’t look like I’m doing much of that right now!).
On a quilty subject, Bonnie showed some toys and I wanted to share mine. This is a bear I made from one of my Grandmothers old quilts.

It was moth eaten beyond belief. I really had to piece together to get enough blocks to complete the Bear. I even made my Mom the brother bear to it so she would also have it to remember my Grandmother’s quilts. I should have taken a picture of the two together.
I made my son one when he was little out of a pair of Don’s old jeans. It stayed in his room until he went off to school.

I even put the Levis tag on the back. I don’t know if he thinks it’s “dorky” or not, but I think about how great it would be to have a Teddy Bear from my Grandpa, or even Great-Grandpa. Tradition has to start somewhere. And call me cynical, but I just don’t think the tradition and memories are going to come from the passing down of video games…. One day he’ll understand.
The last is a muslin floppy eared bunny I made.

Still sits in my kid’s child size rocking chair in the den. No eyes or mouth embroidered, but I’m confident he’s the wisest of rabbits. Think about it, he knows the things to overlook and the things better left unsaid…

1. Don pushing me to work out for my health.
2. Phone calls from Eric
3. Rainy Saturday to catch up inside
4. My digital camera
I love the quilt bear! What a great way to preserve what you could of a quilt. Thanks for sharing!
oh, I especially like the denim bear, how clever!
I love the jeans bear (and the quilt one, too, of course!). I think the jeans bear was a fabulous idea and I'm pretty sure your son loves it -- but you know how those teen guys are! What a treasure to pass down.
Glad your back. Homecoming - already? Time just flies more quickly with each passing year. Your animals are great - and a wonderful thing to pass down. I have a bear made from Grandma's fur coat. She will get passed on 'fur sure'
Glad you are back blogging. You were missed! Darling bears.
good to have you back and Eric settled in. Chelsey may miss him more than she realizes, LOL but this will be a busy year for her at school, I'm guessing.
The bears and rabbit are adorable!
It's so wonderful to hear from you! I was wondering how things were going with Eric away. It sounds like it's all going well so far, I'm so pleased!
Your bears and rabbit are just wonderful. I love the idea of a jeans bear (mind if I borrow it?), you're truly so wise, tradition does have to start somewhere.
Have a great weekend hon!
Those bears are too cute! I just packed up some of Little Boy's clothes for Goodwill that he outgrew, but I just might have to ruffle around in there and get out his little blue jeans to make him a bear!
Welcome back. Glad the school drop-off went well for you.
wonderful animal creations. Love the pocket on the denim bear -- looks like he must have overalls on :-)
All the toys and dolls are so cute!
Glad you son got off to school and is doing well!
Glad to hear Eric got to school ok! I'm the one wondering how Adam is doing and I think Mark just tries to pretent like he doesn't think about him! :) At least I can spy on him and ask Holly how he is doing!
I LOVE your bear made out of your grandma's quilt - that is sooo adorable! What a treasure!
Welcome back!
I love the little denim bear! He looks like he'd put up with a lot of rough love from a tuff little kid... :)
Just when you get used to them being gone, they come home with their dirty laundry. lol We're taking Keriann back to school next weekend-She doesn't start classes until the 5th.
You are absolutely right-tradition has to start somewhere. That's one of the reasons I quilt. Love the bears and bunny.
Good to hear all is going well with Eric.
Love your bears and bunny, especially the quilted bear.
Welcome back. What nice animals! And what a great way to remember your G'ma. I have one of my dad's. I must show it soon. Yes, some day these things will mean more to your kids. It's another of Mom's jobs to keep them until that day comes.
Hi Mel, so happy you got the boy off to the next big step in his life. Never easy, I know.
Love the bears and the flopsy bunny..*VBS* I think that's the same bear pattern I've used. I'm still on the hunt for my "Pearl" bear made from a quilted vest(which has been made from an old quilt). She's been eluding me..*VBS* But i'll find her. Hugs, Finn
Welcome back. We missed you!
I like all of your toys, but I especially liked the denim bear and the quilt in the bakground. You've done a great job preserving your memories.
Love the bears and rabbit and glad to hear that everything went OK with taking Eric to college. Missed your posts when you were away!
Thank you so much for sharing. I love the bears and bunny! I made animals and dolls too - until I started to quilt. And you are SO right about the video games. Things become obsolete so quickly these days to to advances in computer technology that they become almost useless in our lifetime - never mind passing them down to future generations! I think that's one of the things I love the most about handcrafted things - they are always wonderful no matter how the world changes.
Back to school time is very busy. With both boys out of school now - it's very strange not to have all the rushing around.
Hopefully you'll be one of the Mom's that do well when their kids go off to school. Some people would think I'm a terrible mother but I like that both the boys are living on their own. I do miss seeing them at times but don't miss having them live here!
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