Don always laughs when I grow my gourds—‘You can’t eat ‘em….We’d starve if we were pioneers having to surviving on your “crops”!!!’ I laugh.

But he’s right. Clay soil, Short growing season, way too much shade….but I can grow gourds like crazy.

I decorate the house for fall with them, share with my Sunday school kids; I even send some home to my Mom (even though she could buy them there with the postage it costs!!!) At least she can say they are Michigan gourds.

I guess God knew what he was doing when I was born in 1963 vs 1763, right?!?!?
Eric will be home late Friday night for three days and that will be it until Thanksgiving. I’m trying to psyche myself up.
The High School Girls basketball team lost their first game-brutally- Tuesday night. But Chelsey ‘s not playing, so it’s no travesty. Don laughed-- Chelsey came home from Cheerleading practice with ‘Go Football team!!’ written on here windshield, happy as a lark and having fun. No tears, no one blaming each other for a game loss. The world – at our house – is a better place. Definitely a good move on her part not to join. It’s not the winning or losing, it’s the backbiting and lack of sportsmanship that was the turn off.
I’m working in my Sunday school class after work today. One more afternoon and I’ll have it ready for the next quarter. Then other than letters and studying my weekly lesson, I’ll be a back to being a ‘Full-time’ Part-time Quilter. I can’t wait…..

1. A warm coffee mug to hug driving to work.
2. The headlights I need now on the way.
3. Email and new friends
Very nice :) Do you just buy a seed packet that says "gourds"? I dont think I've seen them (but havent looked!) Next year I am going to try to grow pumpkins, maybe gourds too! I was going to do pumpkins this year but waited too late to plant seeds. xoxo melzie
pretty garden angel
I know how hard it is to have your boy so far from home. My son is in Vermont and we only see him for holidays and only for a couple of days as he teaches snowboarding on his holiday break... Just know that he is growing into an independent young man!!
BTW, I love gourds too!! I actually have a mini quilt I made with gourds. when i pull out the fall stuff, I'll post it.. have a great day
Neat gourds... I checked out the cookbooks you mentioned yesterday, last night. They are "cute."
Surely our pioneer foremothers and fathers had a use for gourds even if were just for decorating come fall and Thanksgiving. Our neighbors used to have some as bird houses but I doubt they grew them.
I do like gourds, but never thought of growing them-only 'useful' crops like tomatoes and such. Love your garden angel; your photos make me want to go out back and weed so my yard is pretty too.....well, almost! LOL This is August in Georgia!
Your gourds are wonderful...just tell you husband of the money you're saving on fall decorations when he ribs you about them! I may have to plant some next year. We did a few years ago and had a bumper crop!
Your garden looks so nice. 40 degrees in the morning. I wish we had real fall weather here. A crisp morning is like heaven on earth.
Enjoy having your family together this weekend.
I like the gourds - they must look really effective when displayed together. I grew pumpkins a couple of years ago - I grew about 15 for less than it would have cost me to buy one in the shops.
The gourds look wonderful!! I love decorating with them in the fall as well. We've even made some birdhouses out of some in the past.
So glad that Eric is able to come home this weekend. Enjoy your visit!
Oh I LOVE gourds! I have seen some painted gourds painted the most amazing colors and designs. The ones with the super long necks are my favs!!
Love your gourds! How fun! Have fun with Eric - Adam is coming home too.
Your gourds are wonderful! I've grown many things in my garden, but never thought to try gourds. Probably because when I had the garden I was growing our food. I buy them in the store - I'll have to try growing some when I retire!
Well, I love your gourds, I bet your home looks wonderful in the fall! I didn't know you can't eat them? I bet your little Sunday School kids appreciate you so much!
40 degrees this morning?? I enjoyed the cooler weather in Seattle - it was a nice break from the hot humid stuff we have here in August but I'm not sure I'm ready for the cold. I guess I should start shopping for winter clothes now!
Oh, you grow gourds, how pretty!
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