When you show photos of a mess, I guess you see the real person. I started reorganizing my stash of fabrics. It was a lot neater on the shelf, but you know how you pull one fabric and three others come out to, well I decided to start from scratch. These are the before pictures. You bet I’ll post the ‘after’ ones too.
I have to get busy with it because Chelsey has been at Cheerleader Camp since Sunday and she’ll be home tonight and we share the sewing/scrapbooking room. I’m ready for her to come home. The camp the girls went to was seven hours away. Yeah, we got a call Sunday evening, the first day; they had to ambulance her to a hospital. They were stunting and a girl fell on her and knocked her out. Just what every Mom wants to hear. After x-rays and CT scans they say she’s OK, but I’ve been uneasy for 3 days. I’ll just be glad to get her home. I don’t want to be one of those Moms that lock them up, but it’s hard letting them have a life. I guess they could get hurt in the front yard…but heck….

I’ve showed you my buggy in the front yard, but I want to show it with all of the summer flowers. I’ve never had flowers this late in the season. We have deer running wild. No kidding, there were eight that I saw on the way to work. No, we’re not talking a herd of eight. We’re talking 8 separate sightings of does. About this time of the year they start getting real aggressive with their eating--- stocking up for winter. I’ve taken real good care of the flowers this year and kept them cover in this stuff called “Liquid Fence”. I swear by it. And the deer, at least so far, don’t like it.
I better get busy—
Until tomorrow, live up today.
1. Don & Eric toting 2 tons of pellets to the basement for winter.
2. Queen Anne’s Lace decorating the roadside.
3. Mail – the old=fashioned way from my Mom.
I love your buggy! I saw a black bear cross the road when I was driving home from work yesterday. It really gave me a start as you don't see them too often unless you go up farther into the mountains away from the people. I wonder what he was looking for?
Your buggy is so beautiful! Love it!
I am organizing my stash and room also. It is always messier before it gets better.
Glad to hear Chelsey will be home today. Mariah went to her first cheerleading camp last week. She came home with really sore arms. She is one on the bottom holding the other girls up. This makes mom much happier not worrying about her falling on to that gym floor! This cheerleading is much more dangerous then football ever was.
neato buggy quilt.
Liquid fence sounds better than a home remedy that I have been told about - people urine.... (I think my grandmother uses some kind of soapy water...) I have also heard that liquified hot peppers work too...
No personal experiences...
Wow, sure glad Chelsea is okay! You're right--it would be great if we could just keep them locked up!!! Your buggy looks gorgeous. There must be a stash-reorganizing-germ in the water right now LOL. That's been my main focus for several days now.
the organizing bug seems to be going around - maybe because we are all having fabric contact withdrawl from agreeing not to shop this month - it is really fun to see how we all trend in the same direction
My nieces are both cheerleaders and have done the same thing on a couple of different occasions. sure is scary!! glad your DD is ok.
sometimes in order to clean up, we need to rip it all out and start from scratch!! be sure to show us your neat and organized stash when it is done...
Oh, those piles of fabric -- they do seem familiar. It will be neat and organized before you know it.
I'm glad you daughter was not seriously injured. I can imagine the pins and needles of just wanting to confirm it with your very own eyes.
Love, love, love the buggy. Deer can be so very destructive. I will have to write down the name of your remedy for use when we move back to deer country.
It's always hard to have something happen to them when they're away from home. Glad she's OK.
The flowers in your buggy are so very pretty. You home and it's setting look so perfect - just my type of house!
It is so very hard to let kids go. Both mine spent 3 weeks in Japan in an exchange program between their junior and senior years. It was really hard for me to have them so far away. Then when my daughter went clear across the country for college I thought I'd never survive those years! I'm so glad Chelsea is OK.
Your fabrics may look messy at the moment, but what a good looking mess LOL! Those are my kinds of fabrics too!
very beautiful house and buggy!
I'm glad your daughter is ok and that she will be home soon for you to double check. The buggy is beautiful! When we lived in Woodstock, NY we had a group of dear that would come through our property so regularly that the dog ignored them. Occassionally they would come up to our window and watch the humans have breakfast!
Oh Mel, the organizing bug bit you too!! But a great time to get it done. Can hardly wait to see it all stacked back, nice and neat!! I LOVE that look..but it doesn't last long.
The buggy is summer is just as gorgeous(maybe even more) the other time you showed up. How delightful to have it decorated for the seasons. It feels very welcoming and homey.
So happy the kidlet seems to be alright after being landed on. I'm YOU will be ok too, once you see her and check her over..*VBS* I think we worry more as they grow up and go out into the bigger world than when they first got on that school bus. Hugs for busy times, Finn
I'm glad Chelsey is OK but I can see why you want her home, hope they didn't alarm you too much when they phoned. Your buggy is fantastic - I am going to show my Dad the photo 'cause he really likes country things too. And as for the stash - doesn't our stash show our preferences - the colours are all just so 'you'.
the aftr picture will be far more lovely than the pile we are looking at today--good for you, Melanie.
Your buggy in the front yard is so attractive. I'd love to have that next door to me!
Thanks for pointing me to the picture of Ransom. Very handsome! You know us dog folks have to post regular cute dog photos to keep up with all those cats out there in blog land! :) I think we are out numbered! :) :)
I'm so glad Chelsey is okay, it's hard to let them have the first steps of freedom isn't it?
The buggy in your yard is just gorgeous. In fact, your whole house looks just darling!
Good luck with the re-org, and, hope your daughter had fun at camp after the scare!
That is too small to even be considered a mess. If I showed you what a real mess was you would laugh! Hope Chelsey is ok, don't things like that just make your heart pound. Baby #2 gets taken to college tomorrow for his first time away from home! YIKES. He never was my adventurous type. He will be ok because he is sharing an apartment with my oldest - she will look out for him!
I LOVE your buggy!
Your buggy is wonderful! I love it. How fun to have a nice piece of landscaping that you can display such beautiful flowers on! I am sending my sister a link to your blog, she will go nuts (or buggy??) over this.
I'd show you photos of MY mess, but I'd have to dig myself out first... then find the digital camera.
Do you think that Liquid Fence stuff would work on the neighborhood kids and dogs?
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