No quilting this weekend, but here are pictures to show the honest effort at getting my stash of fabrics organized. I’ve got the blues (and not just a feeling about this project) and the gold fabrics left to fold. The bottom shelf holds my yardage pieces. I’ll tell you this, it’s a lot more fun to buy it and put it away the first time.

But I did find pieces that I remember falling in love with the first time---I’m pretty psyched to get back to quilting.
I used to work at a place years ago that had hydrangeas framing the building. I would dry the flowers for fall arrangements. I bought a hydrangea bush about 6 years ago. Not one flower has ever bloomed. Either the deer got it or I decided it was one of those Male/female things and I needed another bush. But At $20.00 a pop, I decided it was a nice green bush. Well lo and behold,

look what’s blooming this year. I’m just captivated. There’s not a day goes by that I’m not amazed….I guess I’m easily thrilled.
I did lots of playing in the garden. We’re getting cucumbers and tomatoes now. My gourds are really coming on too.

I shopped for Eric’s college dorm room stuff. This is his last week at home. We’ll get him settled in this coming weekend. He’s ready…I just hope I am.
Don and I logged over 20 miles on the bicycles this weekend. He took me along all the back roads in the woods. There were lots of cottages, hunting camps and I told him how I would decorate every one of them if they were mine. I would look at a place and tell him if the owners loved it or not. I told him where the swing should be and of course there have to be quilts and cool mailboxes… He says I’m all about emotion and passion…. I told him he was lucky…
1. Eight kids in Sunday school and the Mom that donated school supplies.
2. A job that makes it a lot easier to get the things Eric wants/needs for school away from home.
3. Beans, Corn and Cornbread with Sunday night’s supper.
4. A daughter that keeps encouraging me to sew.
your stash sorting and folding is coming along nicely- good for you
I've got to get in my stash and do that this week (I've lost two cuts of fabric I really REALLY need LOL) you did a great job! and your flowers are beautiful :) xoxo melzie
It's starting to look really good and organized!
Wow you do travel alot of miles on those bikes! Nice exercise but I bet the time together is better than the workout!
sounds like you had a good weekend. Organizing your stash, taking long bike rides, getting a son ready for college. You play the same game I do! I love to mentally decorate homes I see too!
Love your shelf unit -- wtg on reorganizing it.
I had a problem with an hydrangea until I moved it away from the neighbor that constantly fertilized his lawn -- they don't like to be fertilized. I have the big ball type ones in the front now -- they bloom all summer!
great work on the stash and it looks like you were able to balance the inside and the outside work- just four years ago we took our oldest off to college - I will be thinking of you this week as you get ready to make that big transition! Juliann
your fabric looks soooooo organized. Now you just need to pull it off those shelves, unfold it and cut up a storm :-)
You're making good progress - it will be easier to find what you're looking for once its all organized.
Both my boys are living on their own now. It was much easier when Chris went off to college several years ago than when Adam moved out last November. Although I miss them, I love just having the 2 of us at home now.
Your stash is looking so nice and neat. Want to come do mine when you finish?
Looks like you are doing very well with your stash reorganization. Isn't it fun to find fabrics you forgot you had! You'll find it so much easier to use now that it's sorted by colors and you can see it well.
Your garden is lovely!
Nice going with your stash organization. I have that to look forward to when I get home. Your hydrangia looks like it might be a lacecap variety. I have one of those, and it doesn't get as "bloomy" as the others. They like some shade and lots of water. Lovely!
Your stash is looking great. I am in love with that stack of reds on the right *s*
I'm thinking of trying a hydrangea again. I bought a little stick of a plant a few years back. It got trampled when a shared fence was replaced. The sign made from a garden tool is terrific ... you may see something similar pop up in my yard.
Your stash is looking good! Isn't it a great feeling to get it whipped into shape?!?
Wow! Your stash is looking just great, you've done such a lot of work!
I really admire your garden, it's something I've never really gotten into, so fortunately Marty's interested. I have to say tho ... the coincides keep piling up ... I have white hydrangeas in my garden too, I can see them from where I'm sitting now. They're dormant right now tho. White is an unusual colour to have here, our limey soil makes most hydrangeas turn pink.
Have a great week
Looking good!
What do you plan to do with your gourds? Do you make birdhouses and shakers and stuff?
I love how you think and imagine the houses. 20 miles on bikes is great exercise! The stash is looking very tidy! Eric will still be home now and then, and he'll still need a mom.
Our DD left a couple of times-two different colleges. You'll get used to it, we all do. Plus, after a while, you look forward to the whirlwind while they're home, and the peace when they leave.
Are your stash shelves in a closet or out in the open? They add some beautiful color either way. I've always loved hydrangeas, but I'm going to shoot for a couple of Rose of Sharons for next year. Plus, we lost a big maple in our front yard so we have to get a new tree for some summer shade.
Enjoy this time with Eric.
Oh your organizing looks great so far! And good luck with Eric! It was much easier this time around for us since it is child #2!
Ooh, nice stash. What an idyllic week-end what with bicycling through the Upper Peninsula and all that glorious produce.
You've done a great job folding and organizing. I'm afraid I would topple my piles over the first project I worked on and I'd be back to square one.
Your garden looks nice and inviting.
Your stash is getting way too organized! Thanks for sharing the garden pictures. My garden has been totally over run with weeds now and looks pretty sad.
Glad your hydrangea decided to show you some beautiful blooms!
Judy L.
great work organizing!
The revised and re-stacked stash looks really great Mel!! I'm impressed..*VBS* And it's fun to find the fabric that we once loved and haven't seen for awhile.
If it helps, I'm also a person who has things amaze them..often! I like finding that childlike feeling of "oh my gosh, look at that".
Happy trails to you and DH, good memories to share. The parting will be hard, when you drive away from the college. Can't think of anything that is quite the same..but you'll do fine. Tears are allowed, it is your baby, after all, that you are leaving there. Hugs, Finn
Wow it is like we are kindred spirits or something! I have been organizing fabric also and just loaded some pictures of hyrangeas, I love them! Love the little cards you made for the kids!
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