Don always laughs when I grow my gourds—‘You can’t eat ‘em….We’d starve if we were pioneers having to surviving on your “crops”!!!’ I laugh.

But he’s right. Clay soil, Short growing season, way too much shade….but I can grow gourds like crazy.

I decorate the house for fall with them, share with my Sunday school kids; I even send some home to my Mom (even though she could buy them there with the postage it costs!!!) At least she can say they are Michigan gourds.

I guess God knew what he was doing when I was born in 1963 vs 1763, right?!?!?
Eric will be home late Friday night for three days and that will be it until Thanksgiving. I’m trying to psyche myself up.
The High School Girls basketball team lost their first game-brutally- Tuesday night. But Chelsey ‘s not playing, so it’s no travesty. Don laughed-- Chelsey came home from Cheerleading practice with ‘Go Football team!!’ written on here windshield, happy as a lark and having fun. No tears, no one blaming each other for a game loss. The world – at our house – is a better place. Definitely a good move on her part not to join. It’s not the winning or losing, it’s the backbiting and lack of sportsmanship that was the turn off.
I’m working in my Sunday school class after work today. One more afternoon and I’ll have it ready for the next quarter. Then other than letters and studying my weekly lesson, I’ll be a back to being a ‘Full-time’ Part-time Quilter. I can’t wait…..

1. A warm coffee mug to hug driving to work.
2. The headlights I need now on the way.
3. Email and new friends