I’ll never forget. I talked with Don. He asked, “ How did your day go?” At that very moment looking down a busy street all of the lights were green. There was a stoplight at every block, and at that very moment they were all green.
I said, “Have you ever had one of those days—you look down the road and the lights are all green!?!!?!?” “ Good, then it was a good day- Come home”.
The Green light road led to a quilt shop. I treated myself to the fabric below. The pattern is called Yellow Brick Road.

It was completely fun to make. The flannels are totally not the normal for me, but I was neck-deep in winter and the colors cheered me up. I pull the quilt out every year around this time. The back is sunflower yellow; I wish I’d taken a picture of it.
The pattern cover doesn’t do anything for me, but I’ve seen it made up and always like it.

I’ve even see baby quilt panels made and the yellow brick road blocks surrounding the panel for great baby gifts.
Hope everyone’s day is filled with green lights.
1. A Good Boss
2. A daughter that’ll run errands for me
3. Spaghetti for supper
I've always loved that pattern and have used it many times! love yours in flannel.
Each time I see that pattern, I say to myself, it must be fun to make and quick. Yours in flannel is really nice and has a lovely winter feeling to it
What a lovely quilt. your colours are so nice. I love to use flanell in my quilts that I have in my sofa. They are so nice to have when it's cold.
I bought that pattern, though I have yet to make it up. I always think it looks so cheerful, and I keep promising myself to make it because it looks quick. I love the colours you chose for yours.
What a wonderful story and a beautiful quilt to remember it by!
I've heard of that pattern before, and it's lovely to see it in person. I can imagine how it would cheer you, you have made it up in such lovely colours.
I love your YBR--nice colours!
It is a lovely quilt, and what a great story to go with it! My daughter has made a YBR quilt, but I have yet to do one. It is low on the priority list, since we already have one.
I love your fabric selection.
I love that you take pictures of your beautiful quilts outdoors. The YRB pattern is not my favorite to make, but your's looks great! I can just imagine how cozy it is..
Looks good to me -- I love the colors. I wonder if any of my quilts will ever have a little bit of snow on them? *s*
I have the YBR pattern but have never tried it because I can't get passed the picture on the cover. I really like the colors you chose and it those flannel colors are just great.
Wonderful quilt and great story!!
What a pretty quilt. Hope you have a day full of green lights too!
Neat story about all the green lights. The Yellow Brick Road pattern has been so popular . . seems like everyone has made one or two.
Yours is beautiful and the flannel sounds so warm and cozy.
That came out beautiful! I bet it is cozy on those COLD winter nights!
what a beautiful picture--it looks like it should be on the cover of the book--or at least the pattern! I think all quilter's need to make at least one of those quilts. So gratifying!
What a lovely site, what beautiful quilts...i adore the flannel!!
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