My quilt that I’ve been working on didn’t get completed over the New Year’s holiday. Chelsey had a school project and after a little direction the sewing machine got used for it.
Check it out. Their class is reading the classic, “All is Quiet on a Western Front,” by Erich Maria Remarque. Her assignment was to give each of the eleven chapters a name and find some way to illustrate the name.
Here’s the picture.

She used the principles behind the fabric postcards. There’s an appliqué of a symbol describing each chapter and a title. On the other side, she typed a letter describing the symbol and the meaning in each chapter on cardstock and them stitched them together. She called it, “Letters to Home”. She gave her presentation this morning. While she teases me at home about being the “Dorky Mom”, I say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…….
There’s hopes of quilting tomorrow. And running Ransom. I know there’s a balance between work and home life. Everyday isn’t as tough at work as this one. But it was 21 degrees warmer than the average temperature for January 2nd. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky—all day.. and I missed it.
I know. Suck it up. Be thankful I have a paycheck. And I don’t work EVERYDAY of the week. Tomorrow, I’ll be home at 3:00. Hopefully.
Quilt some for me----
those fabric postcards for the book project are wonderful - what a great idea
How clever of Chelsey---I think she gets a lot of her creativity from you.
Good that the kids all got home safely and the weather forecast was better that the predictions.
Happy New Year to you, Mel.
What a great idea Chelsea had! I hope she got a top grade on it!
Sorry about the inventory -- downside to working most of the time! vbg
what a fantastic idea Chelsey used for her school project. I'm sure she will receive a very good grade for it.
Oh my gosh - Chelsey postcards for her report are wonderful! What a great unique idea! My daughter thinks quilting is stupid and I'm a dork too - but last night she made me make her a Mexican Flag out of fabric and then borrowed my fabric markers for the design in the middle for some around the world birthday party they were giving a friend of theirs today. Yup, nothing like the last minute!
Happy New year! Chelsey is as crafty as her mother, those are great postcards....I cant believe the mild winter we had either...but I am not complaining....Have a great week...hope you get to sew soon...Toni
Looks like Chelsey has inherited her mother's talents! Enjoy your day and hope you get to finsih work early.
Your saying about the apple not falling far from the tree made me smile - someone I know has a similar one - "Sparrows don't have crows" kids absorb their surroundings no matter how much they think they don't - her postcards are a brilliant interpretation - you shoul be very very proud of her :o)
What a wonderful project Chelsey did...she sure got the creative gene from you. Doing inventory is probably the worst time of the year for me. We did it at the shop on Saturday. Counting all those patterns and thread and needles...glad it only comes once a year. Take care and sew some today.
Chelsey did a great job and no doubt mom had her hand in it as well...a fun together project!
Chelsey did a great job on her project. I give her a A+++
You have an extremely creative daughter and her teacher has got it together too.
Hope today is going much better for you *s* Chelsey has a great project there -- I hope the teacher appreciates it half as much as we do.
Great work and fun to help on a school project that involves sewing rather than Maths! Go and have a good rest, it sounds like you need it. tracey
For years I worked in a grocery store and really hated doing quarterly inventory. We had and outside company come in and do the merchandise on the store shelves but we had to inventory the backroom and all displays. Not a fun thing to do!
I love what Chelsey did for her project. How creative!
What a fantastic way to illustrate the chapters ! They are beautiful and so very clever.
She did a great job! Will she get them back when the assignment's over, and be able to mail them? What a way to brag to the relatives... :)
Hope she got a good grade.
Wonderfully done! I just love her creativity!
Wow, she did a great job! I'll bet it was unique among the presentations. She better get an A for that one!
Your daughter really is a chip off the old block! Really, really clever. Her teacher will be blown away! Your Weather Pixie says it is 18 degrees there. Brrr. I am cold here and it is 55. Yes I am a whimp! Take care!
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