Chelsey worked Saturday and hung with friends, so Don and I were friends—all weekend. We played “Creative leftovers out the Fridge”. It was fun. It saves on cooking and waste and you do it together and see what kind of dishes you can create. Good memories.
Tons of football. The best teams won. I was pulling for the Saints, but there’s next year… maybe.
I made the labels for my Heart Crazies quilt and my MIL’s too.

Ransom and I slipped outside and took a picture of the quilt. I really love the way it turned out.

The pattern had a variation of this, but I added a block and change the size of the borders too. I'm mailing it tomorrow.
1. Cinnamon Toast
2. 25 Degree Temps so Ransom and I can get outside
3. Letters in the Mail
A date weekend with your honey - isn't that the best. It's hard to believe, but you'll be there before you know it. How do I know? Because you are shopping for Jr. Prom dresses. . .a sure sign.
Your MIL will love her runner - it looks darling.
Wonderful job on the labels!
Sounds like a perfect weekend to me. The quilt looks good, I like the border.
What a busy, and lovely weekend! I love the gift you made for your MIL, she's going to just love it. What a special way to use up some orphan blocks.
'Us' time is always a luxury with kids of any age - but it never ceases to amaze me how much less you get of it with teenagers - at least with littlies you can put them to bed early and have an evening to yourselves even if you're tied to the house - now we find ourselves going to bed just to have a private conversation! Love your MIL's quilt - pretty border
Love the runner! It turned out great. And your weekend sounds great too! As much as I loved having both sons at home, being an empty-nester has lots to offer!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend...glad you and Don made time for each won't be long and you'll have lots of time together. Jr Prom...blink... there's graduation. It really does fly and then they're off on their own lives...then you'll be like Andy and I...every day is date night, even if we don't leave the house. We do the creative leftover thing much fun. Love the little quilt for your mom.
What a loively weekend you had. I think DH and I are going to have to *us* time soon. Hoping to get rid of DD for a week in February.
the quilt you made for your MIL is lovely, especially the border.
It sure is nice to have some time with just the hubby and no kids.
Oh I like the little heart quilt for you mil! What a great idea!
Wow, your weekend sounds like heaven to me.
Your MIL is going to love the quilt.
Your MIL's gift came out beautifully!! Well done!
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