Chelsey turned 17 on Sunday. You have to realize we don’t have birthDAYS in our house--- we have birthFESTIVALS that last about a week. And Chelsey attempts to get the most ‘bang for the buck.’ The temperatures have been frightful. 17 below in the mornings. Sunday it never came above zero. Think about it…At –17 degrees, it could literally warm up 48 degrees and still be below freezing. I had to pull the parent card and say, “no sledding” and “no ice-skating” over the weekend. It just wasn’t safe.
Eric tried to come home Friday, but got about 20 miles out of town and had car trouble. It was weather related so we looked on the Internet and lucked out and found a good mechanic that had a son away at school too, so he took good care of Eric. It was one of those times when I didn’t want Eric to travel as much as I wanted to see him. But you never want to tell your kid they can’t come home. But we’ve decided that we’re going to have too. He even said the university was telling people to stay in side.
Hope everyone is staying warm.
1. Our furnace.
2. Green quilting thread
3. Devil’s food chocolate cake for Chelsey.
glad to see you this morning - keep warm - I have been hearing the stories of the cold in your part of the country
Well you guys keep warm... We've been cold too, but not that cold! Thankfully. This is when being a quilter or in the family of a quilter is a good thing. I bet you guys are fighting over the mittens quilt!
I just can't imagine being that cold *brrrrr* I don't know that I would get out of my toasty warm bed *s*
Love the runner for your mom -- bet she does, too.
Cute table runner. I just cant seem to get warm no matter how many layers I put on...the worse part is my husband works outside...Stay Warm..Toni
Oh my goodness gracious I can't even begin to imagine how cold that must be. Love your mom's quilt...she's going to love it too. Stay Warm!
My husband's brother celebrates his birthday WEEK. David can't understand why I won't let him get away with it too. Heck, he'd better be glad for the one days pampering I give him on the day. LOL!
I've been watching the temps for a lot of the country. And every time I hear about one that's below zero I say, "And that's why I live in Texas. LOL!" I just can't imagine dealing with the cold you guys are having. Stay warm as much as possible.
Oh it looks wonderful. It is cold and nasty here too!
that is the same cold we had last week. I counted 3 different water main breaks on the way to work on the coldest day. It is totally strange to see a fountain spewing out of the middle of a street surrounded by a sinkhole.
It is incredible how unusually cold you have been. I just can't imagine! I hate the cold.
Happy Birthday to Chelsey.
We've been in that deep freeze, too -- plus today it warmed up to 0° and snowed 5 inches -- can't wait for spring!
Great wintry photo of the flimsy. You're really getting some coooold weather up there, I would be treasuring the furnace, too. Keep warm and keep quilting!
Cute table runner....thnx for visiting my site and leaving such a warm comment....i have added u to my blogroll so i can keep reading ur amazing site....hope u dont mind!
That is a beautiful quilt - I just saw the trees and it looked like a landscape picture, but then double the pleasure, there was a quilt. Very nice. Happy birthday to Kelsey, and glad things worked out fine with Eric's car trouble.
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