This is my favorite time of the year. The apples are an inspiration and they are ripening in the U.P. These grow wild on the roadside.

Johnny Appleseed must have made a detour through this part of the world. Last weekend I completed a small table runner.

Nothing fancy but I needed an afternoon with a small victory. It was a fifty cent pattern I got in Green Bay. I played with different fabric and came back to the plaid. It is machine appliquéd and quilted. Here it is on the table.
If I get the pumpkins out-- by Thanksgiving, I’m sick of them.

So September I decorate with apples.

Remember-- I have that thing for cloth napkins. And I love my wooden letters---Faith.

Faith is believing, counting on something without proof.
We’re enjoying Eric.

He’s been in and out all weekend.

He’s been eating my cooking (the way to my heart). I went shopping—purchasing all those things he refused to let me get two weeks earlier. Did I do it for him? ---well, maybe, but mostly I think I did it for me. It’s that mother thing inside me not wanting to quit mothering. But the fact remains, he’s pretty well grown up. Loves College, Loves his new friends. I’m glad.
I’m calling it a night. More to talk about tomorrow. I’ve got a glass of wine waiting on me.

1. Eric’s safe travel.
2. Cool Nights
3. Two extra days off
Very pretty stuff! I am partial my kitchen stays in apples :) Enjoy the cooking. :) xoxo melzie
I love all the pictures now I'm able to see them! The table runner is lovely, I really like the plaid background!
You're a great Mum to look after your son so well, I know he appreciates you!
Love your apple theme - great idea for September.
Beautiful pictures, beautiful table, and beautiful apples!
I just decorated my library with back to school and apples - I think that's a good theme for September. ;)
Apples and September go hand in hand. Your table runner can out really great - 50 cents well spent for that cutie-pie pattern!
You never stop doing the mom thing. Our son will be 29 the end of the month, married,living in Chicago, expecting their first child in Dec and when he was home last weekend he was still my boy. That's what makes us moms.
I like apples for September too! And I am definately a cloth napkin person. Just got back from doing the college drop off - part of the fun is the trip to Target to buy a few odds and ends and feel like I am leaving my touch on her home away from home. Thanks for such a thought provoking post.
Your scarecrow? I made one just like him too! :oP I'm so happy that Eric was able to come home. It does your mom's heart good. :o)
Wow-you have talent on several fronts. The nature photos are excellent; love the interiors/table runner, so homey and welcoming-and perfectly coordinated with the nature pics! And the mom thing.....that never stops.
Melanie, I adore your apple decorations. I know what you mean about pumpkins. I never thought of apples. And here I live in the state that produces more apples than anywhere else in the country! How could I have not thought of apples? Thank you for all the great ideas - love the table runner!
I am jealous - you started and finished a project! The red apples and green plaid is such a great combination.
The apples look wonderful Melanie!! A great afternoons work. I love the fabrics you picked, especially the red on the left most apple..*S*
The napkin holders are so cute, and I really like your letters. I've not seen those before. I spell out words of my choice with my childrens old wooden blocks. I have lots!!
My grandsons adore them even more than my boys did. I think its because they seem to be gone from todays toy world. I bought some for one of the grandsons, and there aren't even 26 in a set anymore. Each letter doesn't get it's own block..bummer!
So glad to hear that Eric is off to a good start..*VBS* Hugs, Finn
your tablerunner is lovely. Thanks for sharing the other photos too.
Like Patti, I never thought of apples either! What a good idea. I don't have any to decorate with, so I'll just have to go out and get some and have a bowl on the table. My favorite is the Honey Crisp, what's yours?
Apples for fall -- what a great idea. I agree with you on pumpkins -- they can wear on you if they get out too early. Glad you had a nice time with your son. You never stop wanting to do all the mom things -- and they never stop wanting it either.
Apples always remind me of school starting and what better to decorate for! Scool started here today!
The house looks wonderful!
Love your apples and the postcards. Guess I'll have to get some of my pre-fall quilts out, too. I, too, get tired of the fall ones if I put them out too soon!
Wow, can I tell we live in the same area of the country. I did this apple runner too and the sweet liberty quilt with the pitcher! I was just browsing thru your old posts to see past quilts. Love to look at everyone's work. It gives me something interesting to do between transcription notes!
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