I’m in good spirits. I played with fabric all afternoon yesterday. Granted, it was just folding, but I filled my cabinet that I’ve been planning on doing since September. My Magazines, books, tools, thread and fabric are all in one place. Maybe tomorrow I can share a photo.
December 31st is a time to look back and reflect, but after you realize the lessons you’ve learned, leave things in the past and move forward. Here’s a gift to friend that will be opened this morning.

It’s a great movie for a Quilter (and my daughter). I had a copy of the book but book is no longer printed. I found it on a used book site. It said excellent condition, $2.00. Don said, “It’s only two dollars, if you want it, get it. Take a chance.” Well, the outside cover was torn in about five places and the hard cover had a bad spot in it. I was totally bummed. But a “miracle worker” of a friend at work took the outside cover and some scrapbook paper and with scissors and glue made a beautiful new cover. Even Chelsey said, “ Mom you should keep this one and give yours away…” But there was something about a handmade gift and the story of the hands that touched it ----- I knew it had to be shared. I hope she likes it.
I hope everyone has a safe evening and New Year to follow. At the very least, I hope you have a needle and thread in your hands…
Happy New Year…