First off. I’m bragging--- no ifs, ands or buts. I’ll make no attempts at denying it. My daughter writes a weekly column for our local newspaper. It’s a six-day a week newspaper, with rough 16 pages an issue. She took the internship in the fall. Chelsey goes to the newspaper one hour a day to learn the basics in journalism. She took the deer hunting pictures in November. She’s learning how to set the comics. And she’s learned a lot about writing. She wanted to write impacting stories obesity, teenage drug use, etc.,. But the editor said, “ Chelsey, there’s enough news in the newspaper. People want to hear about your life.” So….She’s wrote about her brother, her car, the mouse in her car,and volunteering at a nursing home. She’s given good press to her grandmothers and her dad. People always ask me—“When is she going to write about you?” I’m sort of her counsel for subjects, so I never put myself on the topic list. She used to let us preview the articles. But as she has grown more confident, she’s told us,” You have to wait for the viewing audience”. A little scary…
Well, in Friday’s paper, here’s her article.

I’m so proud. As a parent, you are always fighting the battle within yourself—How come I can’t get through to her? What am I doing wrong? Well, she made my day, week, month and year in one swoop.
Just a little something to let you know, it’s OK to believe in Santa Claus, because miracles do exist. And while parenting is the toughest thing I’ve ever done without a doubt, I’m glad I made the choice to have kids.
Wow, that was really a great article she wrote, I sure got a lump in my throat reading it. You must be very proud of her. My daughter turns 13 tomorrow, and so far we're doing great, but I do worry about the teenage years. Hopefully we'll have a great time, like you. Thank you for sharing :)
So I'm completely jealous of the heatwave that has apparently missed the lower part of the state. Ah well, c'est la vie.
Now you know the next time you whine about something we are going to remind you about that article! mark my words - I can't remember what my boss wants me to add to a memo the 10 steps from his office to mine, but this kind of stuff get stuck like a trap!
Ohmigosh, what an amazing article. I can see why you are very proud of Chelsea--what a mature and lovely young woman. Thanks for sharing. Don't know why, but it made MY day too!!! KC Quilter
What a wonderful article! What a great job you're doing as a parent - it's a difficult job but isn't it so rewarding when things like this happen?
Thank you so much for sharing the article with us.
WOW! Oh Wow! Obviously your daughter gets her insight from you! What a wonderful thing for her to do. Kudos to you and your daughter. Did it make you cry?
What a tribute to you, congratulations on raising such a kind, perceptive young woman! I sure hope my girls turn out like that!
Wow, what a wonderful daughter you have! You should feel truly blessed! An awesome tribute to you.
Wonderful article that your daughter wrote, and I'm sure your heart is full of love and pride.
But you also helped me! I was in a grumpy mood, surfing through blogs, when I read your words, "Well, just stop it." You are right - I had no reason to be grumpy and it is definitely time to Stop It.
Aww, what a great article. I am really surprised that she was willing to post that publicly. Very mature of her.
She's lucky to have you, but you are no dobt lucky to have her too!
What a wonderful article! I bet it made you cry when you read it. Makes every minute worthwhile doesn't it. That's the way I feel every time my daughter says "you're the best mommy in the world".
Ohhh my, what a lovely article, it made me tear up a little. My tiny girl (well, a little taller than me) is not there yet, but here's hoping.
Wow, Screen Door, you have every right to brag and blow horns, girlfriend!! What a tribute--to BOTH of you--and she's such a cutie too!! :P
WOW! That is just the most wonderful have much to be proud've done an awesome job with Chelsea. I just love the "Stop it" philosophy...I'm keeping that one. If I can't pinpoint why I'm feeling sorry for myself or being grumpy I'm just going to "Stop it" and I'll think fondly of you. :)
Oh my gosh - I want to cry - what a lovely articale!
Very nice article. We all just adopted Chelsea, through you! To think she would admit that you are just alike! Good job Mom!
thanks for sharing that article - I can see she has your knack for the written word
You've got yourself a keeper there *s* no wonder you are proud. Heck, I'm proud, too.
Great article - I bet she couldn't wait for it to be published and surprise you! Thanks for sharing.
What a great story your DD has written. It's describes the relationship my DD and I have too. I will let her read this story when she wokes up. My DD wrote on my "mothersday card". Life would not be the same without you. So even if we have our discussions, I think they apriciate us LOL And when she was reading her horoscope; she laughed when she came to where it said she was so similar to her mother. I do not think she agreed in that.....just now.
Hope my DD turns out like your Chelsey! I bet you have been like the Cheshire Cat since hyou read that.
Awesome - I always say, when I'm disappearing up my own posterior at a vast rate of knots doing stuff for my kids or they're driving me to distraction, that 'nobody ever tells you about this at ante-natal classes'
Bu the same tune no-one tells you about this other end of the spectrum either - you must be so proud and rightly so
Love the 'just stop it' philosophy, will have to tuck that one away for future reference too :o)
pretty cool kid there, Mel but then you already knew that.
What a lovely article written by your DD. You must be the proudest mom :-)
isn't that the greatest feeling as a mom? well done.
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