When Chelsey and I go on our shopping conquests—We do pretty well at taking turns, Her clothes, my clothes, stuff for the house, a quilt shop, and a scrapbooking store. While she tackles the scrapbooking shop I entertain myself pretty good. I usually walk out with 5 or 6 sheets of plaid paper—what else would a quilter purchase. I’ve also purchased rubber stamps—stuff to use with my Sunday school kids.
Eric is my kid that always ask those profound questions, “So, you’re into this…Why?” He’s made me rationalize various treasures in my life---keys, quilts, dishes, barns, rusty stuff (he calls it).
Last time we hit Chelsey’s Scrapbook Shop I purchased the Rocking Chair Stamp.

It’s not something that I can exactly use with My SS kids. I must have picked it up 3 or 4 times before I committed. They even had a stamp that was a rocking chair with a quilt draped over it, but it was the lone rocking chair that kept talking to me. I have two rocking chairs in my house. Don bought both of them for me when I was pregnant with Eric. We lived in a cracker box house and his logic was we needed one upstairs and downstairs. Even though we have changed houses and we’ve changed furniture a few times the one constant has been those rocking chairs. One of the chairs has a built in blue cushion that now goes with a green living room. I put a blue and green pillow on it and call it “coordinated”. The front porch has 2 white rocking chairs—why two? There’s something incredibly lonely about one rocking chair alone on a porch.
I look at the stamp and laugh—why did I purchase it? Maybe it’s that in my eyes a Rocking Chair stands the test of time, never going out of style. They cradle newborn babies, hold preschoolers with the flu, and rock teenagers with the loss of first loves. That chair will hopefully comfort through life’s changes and totter an old woman through quilt stitches for a long time….
I stole some of Chelsey’s scrapbook paper and made cards to write my Mom. I can’t wait till we hit the store again---- I remember a wheelbarrow stamp calling my name....
your cards are beautiful - I remember the first year our daughter was at college and after Christmas, it seemed there wasn't any time for her to come home and it really dragged - and this was before we had cell phones with lots of free minutes - but I think the alternative it that they are unhappy and they want to be home all the time
Ooooh, I love rocking chairs - obviously! Where were you when I was looking for a logo for my business?! I never even thought about a stamp.
I love the rocking chair stamp. You are right, there is just something about it that speaks.
It suits you to a tee *s* If I were you, I'd apply it's image on everything.
I just love your stamp and your notecards are just wonderful...When you included one with the book you sent me I just went nuts...it came to the shop and there were some ladies in when I opened it and I showed it to all of them...they just loved it. Didn't realize it was a stamp. I just goes with you...covered porches, wooden screen doors and rocking chairs...I LOVE IT!
Love your cards and your rocking chair stamp. I have also kept the rocking chair that I used to rock Chad, despite having thought of getting rid of it a few times.
The rocking chair is very 'you'. I would love to have one, but there would be nowhere to put it in the house where we live now.
I know how you feel about not seeing your son, mine is away at college too! I didn't want to be an "annoying" mom, so I didn't want to call all the time. I started texting him every day or two, just to say hi and ask what's going on. If he's online with Instant Messager, I IM him. At first he didn't have much to say, but now he texts me all the time to tell me things that are happening with school, work and his new girlfriend. It's great. When I initiate the conversation, I keep it short...usually he'll start it now, so I talk to him sometimes for hours through texts. It helps to have a good texting plan on your cell phone!
I'm going to try to make a journal cover like yours today. I hope it turns out as nice!
AWWWW!!! That brings tears to my eyes...It reminds me of my grandparents. My grandpa passed away 2 years ago...This year my grandparents would have celebrated 62 years of marriage. And it makes me think of my rocking chair waiting for my little man to be born in less than a month :)
As Fiona said, that is "very you". Can't wait to see the wheelbarrow stamp. DD has a rocking chair in her bedroom. Not a lovely old one, but it suffices.
Ooooh be careful - that daughter of yours, she's converting you :o)
My gosh ... love that stamp. I would use it for quilt labels and write quilt info. in the wood slats on the chair back and on the seat. There is just something about rocking chairs, eh!
Rose Marie
I know how you feel missing Eric. I miss Adam a lot too. But when I think of him I still recall him as a toddler - he was so cute. I love your story about the rocking chairs.
I like the rocking chair stamp, and rocking chairs in general. I have noticed that several of your quilts are displayed on rocking chairs, or at least chairs. I think it reminds to slow down and contemplate where we have been and where we are going now and then. And get comfort, like you said.
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