The journals. They were made from a pattern by Hedgehog Quilts, called Wrap it to Go. The pattern cover is on an earlier post. Tips for making it a little easier. I machine stitched the Velcro before attaching the pockets. Hand-stitching Velcro is no fun. Also on the binding around the edges, the pattern calls for a 2 ½ inch bias strip. I like ‘skinny’ binding, so I made my strip 2 inches. Then, you fold it in half and sew in on--- you know the drill….
I realize my camera has a fingerprint on the lens. But I think you can get the idea still in the picture. Here is my “Mitten” stocking.

I don’t talk about DH’s job much, but he said something I want to think on. This week he’s on a promotion board. People apply for jobs. Feedback is gathered from fellow employees and a council of people from different departments group-interview each person and choose the right one from the list of candidates. In a perfect world this sounds like a great process. Well, he’s been going through the steps. He keeps re-iterating ‘Let the process work.”. After many years in my field, Don has a pretty good idea who should receive the job. But, the ‘Process’ states otherwise. And you know what he said?
“ The guy comes to work. He does a great job. But he’s not well liked. They say he’s stand offish. Hey, he doesn’t gab in the control room. He doesn’t get caught up in the Petty.”
“He doesn’t get caught in the Petty”. Gosh, I wish someone said that about me. That statement has gone over and over in my head. I’ve even mentioned it to my daughter. Whether it’s family squabbles, teenage backbiting, coffee cup gossip at work, or someone stealing your parking place. Don’t get caught up in the Petty. Hey it’s not easy. It’s a lot easier to sit and listen. A lot harder to walk away. But at the end of the day you feel tons better not knowing garbage or waste anger….
Think about it… Don’t get caught up in the Petty…
Someone needs to embroider that onto a pillow! (Luckily we have a minimum of that here - although it comes mostly from the "big" boss...)
So the stand-offish guy doesn't the promotion, huh?
I love your big mitten, Screen Door! That is just darling!
Give a big *hug* to your DH for me. Too bad there aren't more people like him and the stand-offish guy in this world! That is ultimately why I left a job to go to a smaller firm. Way too much Petty! and I don't mean Tom Petty, cause I love him!
The office Petty can make an otherwise good job horrible. Hats off to your DH for standing up for the guy who may not kiss the right people in the right places but he GETS THE JOB DONE! Isn't that what's really important???
That is a good phrase to think and act on!
I like that thought. I'm also trying to work on that myself. My other big thing I keep telling myself that I think complicates peoples lives is "don't make everything into a bigger deal than it is". They actually fit together, don't they?
The mitten is super cute!
Very good thought. I always feel sorry for people that get really angry over the little stuff - such a waste of energy.
Hey, I love that mitten. Does Santa fill it for you? I can just imagine the goodies it could hold*s*
So true - and so easy to get caught up in the petty.
That is some seriously good advice! I do try, but I know I must stop trying and just start doing.
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