Trivia question once asked of me: You’ve got a bucket of trick-or-treat candy, what piece of candy are you digging out first? I’m definitely the Nestle Crunch kinda girl. While it’s not my ‘All-time’ favorite candy (Special Dark Bars), for some reason it’s the grabber from the Trick-or-treat bucket.
I’m at a holding point on the Buggy Barn quilt. I’ve got it all together, but I’m 12 inches short on border fabric. Yeah, I sew it without measuring, but I guess it’s that lack of detail thing coming through, I don’t have enough. I wrote the quilt shop I purchased it from and sent a sample asking to purchase more. The rest is just up fate. I know it’s a Moda Marbles fabric--- but do you know how many different shades of green there are?!?!?!
I’m making a fabric postcard for my Sunday school kids, this week. I’ll post when complete. Then I’m hoping to work on the journal covers for Christmas.
I made my Scarecrow about 14 years ago.

It was an attempt to teach a friend to sew. I think it was a Simplicity pattern. I remember us going to Shopko (the only place to by fabric in town) to get supplies. Fabric was just tossed on tables and you had to “dig” to find what you needed. We split up and met back at the cutting table. She chose something TOTALLY different from what I envisioned a patchwork Scarecrow to look like. We both left happy with our fabric. She’s since moved across the country several times I think. We’ve lost touch. The patches on his knees are my favorite parts
1. Crisp days in the fall.
2. Mail in the mailbox
2. leftovers for supper
Yeah - the Buggy Barn quilt is almost there. You know what I do when I run short of border fabric? I use it anyway, then I just lop off the block that sticks out. It gives the self-appointed quilt police ladies the heebie geebies, which I enjoy a little too much *s*
Absolutely love the scarecrow and pumpkins! Especially the scarecrow. Good luck on finding the fabri! Or just do what Libby says - that's even more fun.
Me I go first for the butterfingers then Reese's peanut butter cups. Can you tell I love that whole chocolate/peanut butter thing.
Sure hope you find the right green for your border.
Great pumpkins! I love your scarecrow. sometimes the best things have been around a long time.
I like special dark, too.
Lovely halloween pumpkins :o) and the scarecrow looks great too
You make me wish I had decorated for Halloween. The pumpkins and the scarecrow are so cute. I did make a scarecrow out of leaves many many years ago, recycling my clothes. It was cute.
I tend to run out of fabric too. I just find the next closest thing to the stash and tell everyone I planned it that way.
He is soo cute!
My favorite - A regular old hershey bar! (Although special darks come in a close second).
I got a pretty good idea of just how many greens there are in the Moda Marble line--I just went through that looking for something that resembled khaki, LOL. (The mushroom shade was perfect)
Me, it would be Snickers bars. We didn't buy any after all as we don't get any treaters and then DJ and I are the only ones having "fun" with the fun-size bars.
Love all the decorations!!
Absolutely love the scarecrow and the pumkins look great especially the one on my right, a real comic!
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