The leaves are really turning. We’re supposed to get up to 75 degrees today---no complaints. Chelsey and I went to Green Bay Saturday. I bought 2 skirts and even went to a quilt shop. I’ll show my purchases tomorrow. I work in an airplane hanger, in the back of an airplane hangar. Chelsey asked why I was even buying skirts. Well, you don’t work 24 hours a day, and occasionally I’d like to look like a girl. It did my heart good and it did make me feel like a girl.
I had nine kids in Sunday school this week. We didn’t string apples because I was scared I didn’t have enough, so we painted instead. Flexibility was the word this weekend. Lots of time things don’t go, as I want them to. The right food is not in the cupboard, the cable doesn't work, the laundry is piled high. I could get mad or disappointed, but when the fit is over, nothing has changed and time (a precious commodity) is wasted. Trust me, this a real growing point for me… And I'll keep working on the apples.
I put out some Halloween things—Thirty days of ghosts and goblins. Yeah, I’m Baptist Sunday school teacher that thinks Halloween is OK. We don’t have séances or practice witchcraft, it’s just a big costume festival. Usually, when my kids were little, it snowed on Halloween, so the holiday was like Christmas caroling through the streets, but instead you went for candy. It’s kind of like movies, you know they aren’t real, but it’s fun to pretend and be scared and realize it’s just that---pretend…
Quilting---I’m still plugging away on my buggy Barn quilt. Here’s the fall quilt for today.

It’s from Backyard quilts, a small 16 x 12 size. Here’s where it’s sitting in my home.

1. My daughter---my shopping pal.
2. The Bar-BQ grill—grilling season is coming to a close.
3. Acorns – falling from the oak trees.
What a wonderful weekend! Your little pumpkin quilt is just great! I've decided I need to make more fall quilts to put out, since fall is my favorite season. Thank you for sharing your flexibility thoughts. You are so right...there is just not enough time, and it's not a renewable resource, so we all need to be more flexible, adjust, and move on. No wasting time with the "should haves" and "could haves". Carol
Mel, I think we all wish for a weekend that never ends, especially when it's such a nice one. Super fun to have such a wonderful shopping buddy, I'm looking forward to when I have one of those ... we're not quite at that stage yet ...
Once again, a lovely fall quilt, you sure do have some beauties!
Love the bear and his quilt. Those two along with the birdhouse are a perfect decoration!
Sounds like you had a great time with your daughter. Also sounds like you are looking at life from just the right angle. People waste so much time and energy in anger and complaining. We each choose our attitude, and how we chose makes all the difference.
what a cute quilt and love the bear :) xoxo melzie
I love your bear inside holding hte quilt -- wonderful idea
Mel, Wow you have some nice fall quilts. Sounds like you had a great weekend..daughters sure are nice to have,,mine lives in Baltimore and I miss her so much..but it brings joy to my heart to hear about your shopping brings great memories of our many trips to Green Bay.. ..The weather was perfect yesterday and today is going to be the same...enjoy it because as you know it could change any you work for Mesaba? Have a great week...Toni
Cute, cute cute!!!! Once again, I LOVE your "punkins" :)
New clothes ____ dollars, stopping at a quilt shop _____, a day spent shopping with your daughter .... priceless.
Good for you for not taking Halloween too seriously, but just enjoying it for the fun it is.
Once again you've painted a wonderful word picture of your life.
I help with CCD(religion)at my church. I'm the aide, not the teacher. We have the 5th graders, with a few older kids thrown in. We're not allowed to say anything about Halloween. But the priest lets the kids come to All Saints' Day vigil Mass in costume, so go figure.
I do like your little pumpkin quilt, and I saw some of those Buggy Barn quilts at my guild's show this weekend.
You are right, the weekends are never long enough. I never have the right stuff in my house, but that's more because I hate shopping. These days there is just too much choice.
Flexibility is a virtue that you apparently have. Good for y ou! Well said about not wasting time whining. Your fall quilt is beautiful, and a cute bear to watch over it too.
Almost every culture has some kind of festival/holiday to celebrate the harvest. It's too bad that Halloween has been distorted as it has been.
Ever seen those little metal trimmed key tags you can get at an office supply store?
If you color those red, add a green leaf and stem, then you can make a necklace or bracelet with those, hole already punched. :)
I just love your posts - I have that "Oh no, not monday" feeling a lot lately - there are so many hikes to take, books to read, quilts to make. Hope you have a great week.
Oh that quilt is so cute! And I love the way it is displayed in your home! And yeah for shopping and finding stuff! I hate going shopping when I can't find anything!
Love the quilt! (Anything "autumn" makes me happy)
Nice to know there is somebody else out there who doesn't take Halloween too seriously!
Love your fall quilt and your Bear holding it :O).... and I too love Halloween :O)... fun and pretend dress up and candy... how can you beat that!
You have such a flair for decorating, no matter what the season!
love all of your quilts especially the pumpkins!! copied your recipe for cream of brocolli soup. can always use a quick recipe for dinner and DH LOVES soup. have you ever tried it with fresh brocolli??
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