Friday night, Eric called. There were a couple of things he needed. Yes, I realize they don’t have stores in Lower Michigan, so Don and I went and picked them up. I threw in a pumpkin and Orange and Black M & M’s for the season. He’ll probably think it’s ridiculous on one hand …and know he’s loved on the other. He’s got friends home this weekend so Saturday I brought the package to them to tote back.
We went to the High School football game Friday Night. It’s the weekend for the major small town rivalry. It was pretty chilly in those stands, but fun. Even in the dark, you could see the blaze of color on the fall trees. Chelsey made it home about 10:00 pm, there was a school bonfire—pep-rally thing. Major problem—Chelsey and her boyfriend broke up. She was devastated. Remember those days. She’s never been one to just date one guy for long, but Joey has been around for 6 months. Oh, the tears.
Don’s response was ‘they’ll be lined up at the door tomorrow—what’s the big deal?!?!?’ No, he’s not a girl. I rolled my eyes and tried to settle her down. The next morning Don left for work, I talked with her all morning. I remember those days and no--- I don’t want to re-live them. We talked about seeing other people, about him still being a good guy, about keeping him for a friend. All those things…Finally, she says, ‘Mom, do you need some help cleaning house?’ ‘No Chels, just get in the shower…I do it.’ The Varsity game was at 1:00 pm and she was cheering…
I worked on the house and ran errands in the afternoon. Life as Mom…:).
Friday I came home from work. Look what was in the mail!!!

It was from my Mother-in-law. It’s my favorite lotion. I had seen it in Green Bay the week before and passed it up. It’s one of those ‘treat’ things that I thought I’d pass up this year and the lotion only comes out in the fall. She always knows just the right thing to do.
I finally got all the Terracotta Pots all put away for winter. Kind of sad…
I planted Chrysanthemums in the fall of 2005. This is the only one that returned the following year.

Our winters are really hard on them. Isn’t it beautiful?!?!?
1. My radio – on the country music station right now.
2. My dehydrator...the apples & oranges are ready for my SS Kids today
3. The Woods outside –yellow and orange.
4. My Mom… she went through those same things with me…
Oh the trials and tribulations of being young - you're right though, wouldn't want to relive them again.
Your mother-in-law is a peach!
You're a good Mom.
{{Hugs}} for Chelsey.
That lotion looks DIVINE.
Jeanne :)
Wouldn't want to be that age again! Beautiful mum and delicious looking lotion!
What a thoughtful MIL. That lotion looks wonderful.
That lotion looks yummy! What company is it from?
I think you've got Chelsey well grounded-just get ready for the next young man coming through the door.;)
Oh, by the way, if you thought tuition would be the only big bill, wait until he needs soap, soda, meds, printer ink, maybe a new laptop, etcetera. I could go on, but I won't.
the drama in the life of a teenager but we all have to go through it and find our way. What a doll your MIL is!
It is beautiful! Sorry to hear about the boyfriend thing. Adam was suppose to come home this weekend, but broke up with his girlfriend last week too, and just couldn't bear to live with us. He stayed at school to mourn! He acts worse than a girl! My girls never mooned over boys like this!
It can be dramatic to go through a break-up. We all remember our own and it seemed like life could dish up nothing worse.
Your MIL is so sweet to send such a treat -- I bet is smells terrific and feels good, too.
Man, I wouldn't go back to that age for all the tea in China. I hated high school. And as for dating, I hope I NEVER have to do that again!!
I hope Chelsey is now feeling better! I am sending her hugs.
Our older son broke up with his girlfriend of over 3 years last year, I still miss having her around!
Pumpkin lotion sounds wonderful! Enjoy.
Hi Mel, feels so good to be up and about and reading blogs again! Sounds like life keeps moving at lightening speed at your house..*VBS* I think the smell of your special lotion as you give yourself a treat, will be a lovely oasis of peace and least I hope so.
My most favorite one is Sun Kissed Raspberry and the smell always brings a smile to my face.
Sounds like you said and did all the right "mommy" things for both children.
Your mum is just lovely. What a great color! Take some time for you. Hugs, Finn
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