I made it home about 4:30 and Don and ran Ransom together. Then we cooked supper together. Nothing is too bad if you have someone to lighten the load with. I tackled some laundry next. Then I sat down and started working on my Buggy Barn quilt again.
Every day, I’ve been getting between 15 – 65 seams done and pressed. Chelsey “scrap booked “ with me, so we had time to catch up. But by 7:45 pm that was it. I was tired. I sat down on the other end of the couch. I laughed to Don, ”You know, I love to quilt, I just wish I could do it and not be tired before I even begin.” It sounds like a complaint, but I don’t think it really is. I just noticed it was a fact. You know you love something if you do it even if you’re tired. So Saturday, Don has to work and Chelsey has school activities. I’m sewing first---- before the house housework, and before I’m tired.

Today’s picture is a cross-stitch piece from a couple of years ago. It was a free pattern from BH & G. I finished it 2 days before Thanksgiving, but I knew I’d have it for years to come. The words read:
Count your pumpkins while they last,
For soon their time will come to pass.
The Winter winds are sure to blow,
Turning Autumn fields white with snow.
1. Animal Cookies
2. My pearl bracelet
3. The weekend ahead.
Sooooo how is that buggy barn quilt? (mine is in the ziploc baggie from when we moved. - I have barely unpacked the sewing machine....) But I do now have a dedicated pressing station...
I know just what you mean - I can only do so much after a day at work. I think it's good to blog though, because if I didn't I might end up vegging out on the sofa - the blogs spur me on just to do little bits and they all add up in the end. I too am itching to see what you've done on the buggy barn quilt.
Love the poem in your cross stich...Have a great day on Saturday...hope get to sew as much as you want....but do remember you have quilt show close by...Have a good weekend the weather should be great...Toni
I like your counted cross-stitch - and I like the way you have it displayed. Very nice.
Maybe once the sale is complete, things will quiet down a bit for you? With the shortening of day light hours it is going to feel like you are getting up in the dark and coming home in it too---that is the pits!!
Lovely sentiment on the cross stitch.
I love the saying on the pumpkin stitchery! Very appropriate for Thanksgiving!
I know what you mean about being tired before you begin - today I just sewed and sewed and figured the cleaning would wait so go for it and have fun
I saw a couple of Buggy Barn quilts at the show last weekend. They were very folk-art looking. Enjoy the day and don't worry, the other stuff will still be there when you're done quilting.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Nice quote and needlework!
I like the squash in the basket to the right too. :)
Counted cross stitch makes me cross-eyed these days *s* Is that a basket of your home grown gourds I spy?
I hope you had a fabulous Sat. of sewing!
Such a lovely cross stitch, and I have made that T/B club quilt you have there too! That was one of my favourite ones from 2004!
Have a great day
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