When we were in the 6th grade, Tenza started an embroidery brigade at recess. It centered around this 1973 Simplicity Pattern – Holly Hobbie.

It was an iron transfer. A group of us bought boys’ chambray work shirts and began stitching. We added doodles to the cuffs and pockets. But it was Holly Hobbie on the back holding flowers that I remember most.
Until a week ago--- I had never purchased anything on Ebay. No particular reason, Maybe the fear of losing, I don’t know, I just never had. On a whim --- I put in a bid…. And won the pattern. I received it, wrote a letter, and forwarded the pattern on to her--- not an email, but a letter that I hope she reads over and over again with the pattern and gets at least a week’s worth of smiles.
I don’t know what ever happen to my shirt. Wish I did. I guess I didn’t appreciate it enough. That’s one thing I’ve pressed upon with my kids is the appreciation of a handmade item. No—the stitches may not be as even or as tight as if a machine had done it—but wow --- think of the time and effort that poured over the needle and thread.
I’ve tried bidding on another Pattern 6005, one for myself, but didn’t win…. But I know without a doubt the pattern I did win was meant for her….
I LOVE Holly Hobbie. So nice to read your post. It made me look for my old patterns and I found them. The doll (#6006) I still make although my pattern is worn but I made a template. The other two are 6371 and 5996--children's clothes but I make the bonnets still. A sisterhood of Holly Hobbie lovers forever.
what a sweet story.
i'm sure your pal is gonna cherish it forever!!!
Great memories . . . . good for you for the hand written letter. I've got a goal for '09 to write (and mail-for some reason a stumbling block for me *s8)
I loved Holly Hobbie--thanks for a walk down memory lane. What a wonderful friendship gesture for you to do that for your friend. The smiles will probably last more than a week. Julie
Your friend is very blessed to have a friend like you!
Snail mail is the best! In high school, my best friend's grandmother embroidered both of us chambray work shirts. She covered any and all seams with white feather stitching. I loved mine to pieces. So I made my own. And then another. My closet always holds a man's chambray work shirt with white feather stitching on the seams. Your friend will love both the letter and the pattern.
how sweet, what a wonderful memory.
I bet you will come across a Holly HObby pattern again...
I remember this pattern! I was taking china painting classes and painting the Holly Hobbie with flowers on a plate. Needlework is more fun. Thanks for the memory!
How neat!! Great memories come with thoughts of Holly Hobbie...and seeing the pattern pictures was great, too. I remember embroidering on chambray shirts and jeans and those crinkly cotton shirts. I still have a Holly Hobbie doll and a Holly Hobbie Granny doll (both pillow type). My mother even made some decals from Holly Hobbie wrapping paper and put on pretty little soaps.
Thanks for the memories. And - your friend will love the gift and the letter.
Oh my goodness! I absolutely went wild when I saw your picture. I was in the 9th grade and all of my girlfriends were in love with holly hobbie. I bought this pattern and made pillows and wall hangings of both of these for my GFs for their birthdays! I wonder if any survived! thanks for the memories.
don't be surprised if you see me on ebay bidding against you for that pattern!!
When my DD was a little girl I did the whole HOlly hobby wall hanging...for her room.Your pattern brought back memories of those special days. Thanks so much.
When I was in college, and before I started quilting, I did both of those Holly Hobbie pictures and my boyfriend framed them. My room-mate in college took the smaller picture on the pattern and traced the outline in ink on glass and framed those for me. What nice memories. ( I think my 'girls' are up in the attic now.)
I remember when Holly Hobbie was popular! What a sweet thing to do for your friend. Long time friendships are rare these days.
Such a wonderful story filled with so many warm and heartfelt memories. I know she will love that pattern.
My mother stitched the one on the right for me when I was about 10. I have no idea what happened to it after my parents divorced. Thank you so much for posting about the pattern. I have always wanted to make another to replace the one I lost.
oh my gosh! I embroidered those two holly hobbie girls in 12th grade.(1977) It was my final for home economics class! I made a A plus on it!
I have a blouse my grandmother embroidered one of those patterns on it. Here's a link to a photo of it:
I still haven't fixed it so I can hang it in my studio. I really must get that done soon.
Thanks for the reminder.
After getting off the phone with you today I went straight to your blog. I have been totally engrossed, reading, and laughing and crying. Then I came to this one .... Holly Hobbie. I treasure this pattern and your letter - what great memories of the Holly Hobbie project! Yet, even more than that I treasure your heart and your friendship.
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