“Mom, how come you never write me letters at school?”
“Well, Baby, we talk on the cell phone everyday and you’ve come home a couple of weekends—I don’t know. I email you.”
“Sara’s Mom writes her all the time… I never get mail. I bought some stationary yesterday and wrote you a letter. Call me when you get it. I just want to see if it works…”
You’d think she’d never mailed a letter or received one in her life!!!! So last night after the workout, chores, and dinner, Ransom and I whipped up two fabric postcards.

There’s a story. When the kids were little and had after school activities we’d pick them up from school instead of them riding the bus home. It was too far to go back home and then double back for the classes. So we’d stop at a restaurant for French fries and a coke. Just enough to tide them over till supper time later. We’d look at school papers and discuss the latest playground fallout. Then we’d bundle back up and head off to dance lessons, or karate lessons. There were piano lessons for Eric and Chelsey’s “Shania Twain” phase of guitar lessons.
Yeah, they’ll call me a dork, I’m sure. But now they’ll have the French fries even though I’m too far away to be there in person….
P.S. I did get her letter yesterday. I think I’ve read it ten times. Like my Mom always says, “ When you hang up the phone it’s over, but a letter you can read over and over again…”
My mom was a regular letter writer. I could count on a letter every other day - perfectly typed in single space on her home electric typewriter then signed in green ink at the bottom - Love, Mom. I sure do miss 'em *s*
That was a sweet story, and the postcards are really neat- I am sure they will love them! Thank you for sharing!
Those postcards look fun. I should write a letter to my daughter as well. Thanks for the reminder.
What fun postcards. My Mom writes to me once a week (via fax) but before that she'd mail letters and it even though it took 2 weeks for the letter to arrive it was still very nice to read all the outdated news. Postcards used to arrive in the mail for my children when they were little - oh boy, the excitement at getting a pretty photo from Granny!
You're starting something wonderful.
that is so sweet. love the postcards
What a wonderful story...don't kids just amaze you sometimes? Cute postcards...your kids will love them and bring back such great memories.
This sounds so simple, but what a great idea. I am going to write my boys a letter today! How sweet. And I bet the letter she sent you will be a keeper for a long time to come. Love it!
Oh my, now you've got me blubbering like a goose. What a precious daughter! What a precious mom!
(You are so creative!)
Oh -- I saw the neatest quilt pattern being advertised in the October issue of Country Living. I thought of you and just know you'd like it.
My Mum writes to me every week, even now. I used to write back, but now I ring instead so she knows the letter arrived safe and sound.
I'm of the generation, as you are, when communication was by letter and hardly by phone.
I heard on the radio that the art of letter writing is dead and that books of famous peoples' diaries and letters will be no more. Just emails, text messages and blogs! Sad.
Great minds and all that - as I was reading the first part of your post (all that was on my screen)I was thinking, "Now that girl needs a quilted postcard!!!"...and then I saw the perfect ones below!! You are sooo good!!!
Cute story and postcard. Kids, they're always full of surprises. Enjoy!
What a very cute and thoughful thing to make to send your kids. They are gonna love them! They are from "Mom" afterall!! They will bring good old memories back for them I am sure.
Cute postcards and I love the story behind them. Growing up in boarding school I had to write a letter home every Sunday. I still love to write and receive snail mail.
Your house looks so wonderfully decorated in Fall accessories.
Years ago my Nana would write me a letter, flip it over and write a recipe on the back-side. I filed them all away in my recipe box and I love that I still have these little snippets of her life, her handwritting and a recipe. The fry postcards - great idea and a special reminder of home!
I love your postcards, your children will cherish them! And your mother is right, I love a good letter, it's difficult to find someone who will write a good old fashioned letter these days but I always try to send one to each of my sisters and other family members. I'd love to frame your mother's words, please tell us her name.
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