I dealt with the day because I got mail earlier in the week. I’ve made a new friend—Crazy for Primitive Gardens and Quilts. She had posted that she had fallen in love with a quilt—twice and accidentally doubled up on the pattern.

We’re working on our Primitive Garden Project together so I asked her to let me buy the saltbox pattern from her because I had longed for it for a couple of years. I’d set up “baby” goals and by the end of the summer we’d both have a new quilt. If I couldn’t buy it, I wanted her to tell me another quilt pattern she’d like and I’d get it for her. Well, she gave me not only the pattern---but a trio of other patterns.

It’s amazing how our taste is so similar and we both live in “Snow Country” and have teenage daughters. She even threw in the red charm squares that I already have plans for. And She didn’t forget the chocolate. That can fix almost anything. If it weren’t for quilting, I never would have met her.

The coffee pot was a gift from my Mom a few years ago, and the Snowman was a Sunday school project for my class. He’s made from a tube sock filled with rice.
Stay Warm – The weekend is not far away….

Fun stuff. I love your little snow guy - what a fun idea to do with kids. Its almost friday but it already seems like you are having a great week.
What a fun post, pretty things all over the place! You're right, the week-end is almost here thank goodness. Love that first pattern.
It's so much fun to have a buddy to inspire you all along the way. Try to stay warm - the weekend will be here before you know it.
I"ve seen that saltbox quilt made up and it is sooo cute!
All the patterns are so cute *s*. It's fun to get surprises in the mail from friends!
So glad you liked everything! Happy to do it. I am so looking forward to starting that quilt. Am thinking about the colors already...hmm.... toasty tan background? Burgundy houses? Or primitive red, white and blue theme? hmmm..... :o)
That sure is cold! That is so odd, I locked my keys in my car this morning with it running. Good thing it was here at home, I was trying to let the car warm up. I don't have an extra set and it cost me $85 to have it unlocked!
I LOVE your patterns. That is the style that I really love and want to decorate my new home in. I just don't really know were to start. I don't have any patterns or fabrics in that style yet, but where I live I have no stores close with them so I will have to order them from the internet.
Enjoy doing your new quilt. I so enjoy Crazy For Primitive Quilts & Gardens blog too. She has so many things on there that I just adore. I hope that you both keep us posted on your progress. Have fun!
I love your quilt...glad you had a nice trip to the Marys shop...they are the nicest people...if you read my post you will see i was stranded in St Ignace...Next time you come to town let me know we could meet for tea...I stopped at the quilt store last week and thought it was very bright...I wonder if they will come back to Michigamme....I hope you enjoy that wide backing...as soon as I saw the picture I knew where you had been before I even read your post...and buds infamous pinking cutter....enjoy the sun...Toni
What a dear friend. Have you tried the dark chocolate M&Ms yet? Awesome. Love the snowman. Have you considered a lock box wired inside your bumper? I carry 2 sets of keys and have been known to lock both sets in the truck - dah! Stay warm!
Isn't the internet great for forming quilting friendships? Love the goodies she sent as well as the ones you got for yourself. I've been meaning to get one of those pinking rotary cutters -- hmmmn, still have some birthday money...
NOW THAT IS COLD!!!! - lovely post - good to be warmed from the inside by it :o)
Very nice patterns and I love those charm squares. How is stitchery BOM block 2 coming along?
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