The pictures I will show mark a new beginning... it was a gift from my mother, a scarlet amaryllis. I planted it on January 1st. I hope I have enough of a 'green thumb' for it to grow.

The next couple of pictures show that will I haven't been sewing I have been playing with fabric. I got my sewing cabinet loaded.

I am short one box, but I think you'll get the idea. The bottom two shelves out of view hold old magazines and quilt books. I still have bits and pieces to add to the room, but I'm real proud of the work.
I just know the new year is going to be filled with good things---- sometimes you just have a feeling....

Happy New Year!
I'm no green thumb, but I've always had very good luck with those amaryllis plants (and with the paper whites, too). They seem to just grow despite what you do to them. Expect it to look like nothing, and then overnight it will grow like 4 or 5 inches. It is pretty neat to watch! Also know that you will likely need to put a dowel or stick ino the pot and tie the stem to it at some point so that the plan doesn't flop over.
They are lots of fun!
Wow! Everything looks so nice and neat! I've been trying to sort through my scraps, but I don't have alot of storage space, at least until we get the new house finished.
Those bulbs are lots of fun! I don't think you can kill it, really. Nice, neat and tidy sewing cabinet - I am always inspired to start something new once I get everything looking so organized!
Your fabric cupboard looks great. I just love the feeling of organizing my fabrics. Can't wait to see what you are cutting into!
I think it will be a good year too! Any year with fabric in it has GOT to be a good year!
Couldn't agree with you more, this year is definately a year of New Beginnings.
Happy New Year! It looks so well organized Melanie. I was told the other day never to store fabrics in plastic boxes because the fabrics can’t breath (...they might have known most of my fabrics have to wait very long before they will be used..!)
Your sewing cabinet looks wonderful...I'm with you...2008 is going to be GREAT!
Wow - it looks great. I always feel more 'creative' when my supplies are neat and orderly . . . guess that's the 'A' personality in me *s* Now go make a mess and make something darling.
just walking in your well organized sewing room is its own reward! I just did mine too, and it feels WONDERFUL! Nice fabric stash!
Your new fabric cabinet looks wonderful! You will be able to find just what you want!
I love how you've organized your fabric cabinet! I have ambitions for mine, but have not started yet. I haven't even managed to turn on the sewing machine since Christmas. I think I overloaded getting gifts made :).
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