One year ago today I recorded my first entry in my journal. I look back on that year with tons of good memories . I met many people all over the world, and made many friends. And unlike years of schooling –where I found many friendships were based on people’s looks or possessions—I’ve made friends that have no idea what I look like or if I live in a straw house or a glass mansion.
I found that I’m pretty normal and lots of women go through the same juggling act of working, raising a family, and treasuring a few moments of quiet for a passion they have. The passion--- quilting.
I’ve told others before, that in the past year, while reading literally hundreds of entries, I never once read about someone in a panic to complete a quilt because a loved one was going to sleep cold tonight. In today’s world, while many ARE kept warm by those quilts, I think women quilt for other reasons. I think it’s an artistic expression that allows emotions to be placed into something tangible.
Until this year, I never quilted something and gave it away. I don’t know whether I never pushed to have the time, or subconscious maybe I felt my projects weren’t good enough. But in the past year, I given 9 projects away. I think the graciousness of quilters is contagious. I also think quilting is a gift in itself, and it’s a gift better given away the kept hidden inside yourself.
I love reading about the different seasons around the world.
It’s fascinating when I see someone do what I call, “Quilt Ogl-ing”. That quilt could just be strips sewn in a straight line, but they can tell you a story about the fabric, a story about the pattern, or even a story about the reason they’re making that piece. They aren’t methodically going through the motions as a reason to an end---there’s definitely a soulful reason to their quest.
On an average I get to quilt maybe 2 hours a week—sometimes as much as 4 hours, but then there are times when I go entire week without a stitch.. I think reading about other quilters has taught me patience and finding blessings in little things—sewing a button on Chelsey’s shirt, walking along a dirt road with Ransom, or just swinging….
….. on my Covered Porch…..
The photograph – a gift from Don’s sister.