Schools are closed today, but I still have the infamous ‘Parent –Teacher’ Conferences this afternoon. Chelsey and I had “the talk”, so she’s assured me there will be no surprises…. Stay tuned…
I didn’t get off early Friday --- but I did manage to get most of the housework done before everyone made it home. We started a small remodeling project. Our kids/Guest bathroom needs an update from 1990. The wallpaper was the first thing to go. We’re going for paint this time. Chelsey keeps thinking she has a vote and that vote includes purple but she’s wrong on both counts… I’ve got to commit, Don plans on painting Wednesday evening. I’ve got a rainbow of paint samples to go through.
I’m still appliquéing on my primitive garden. The sewing machine hadn’t been turned on in seven days—a rarity. I went down yesterday and made some postcards, photos to follow soon. I made spring cards—I guess I needed the snowstorm as a jolt back to reality. I’m even going to steal fifteen minutes and sew a couple of seams in a second before work.
Most people would be ecstatic about remodeling a room—new mirrors, cabinet, light fixtures. We even went looking for a new television cabinet for the living room this weekend. I’m so weary to change—what is that? I’m really trying to get motivated, but I struggle….
1. Everyone’s safety in the snowstorm.
2. Weekend rest
3. Cinnamon