Plans for the New Year's Eve? None--- just the way I like it. Chelsey is having a few friends over for board games. Eric will probably hang with her a while and us a while. Don and I will watch football, maybe play dominos, backgammon, and cards. Quiet….I’m not the partying kind, being at home is perfect on New Year’s Eve…..

Here’s the buggy out front, decorated for the season.
I’m not much for New Year’s Resolutions. I typically fall short. With Work and Teenagers, life is way too unpredictable. I will try to be dedicated to exercise in some way. If I take care of myself, I’ll feel like doing others things. Statistics show exercising 20 minutes a day 5 days a week lowers your risk to so many illnesses by as much as 50%. I’ll take those odds. Television is the enemy. Unless I’m watching with family (we do the Survivor thing, probably American Idol & 24) it robs me of valuable time.
If I quilt something at least twice a week, I’ll feel like I’ve done something for myself. It’ll make me a better Mom if a take that time. I’m not going to make lists of quilts, because at this point it sort of overwhelms me and I get bummed that I don’t accomplish things fast enough.
And then there's reading my bible every day, because I'm smart enough to know that life is way too tough to make it out there on my own.....
1. My horse Buggy
2. Cyber-friends
3. Pizza take out
No resolutions here, either. It's no fun to fail -- year after year *s* We go to bed at the regular time on the 31st so we can be up bright and early to watch the Rose Parade. We never pass up a good board game though.
Your buggy is wonderful, Screen Door! We are homebodies too. Randy is usually asleep when the ball drops, and I'm snuggled in with a book waiting to see the New Year in. That's enough excitment for this ole girl. :)
Are we twins separated at birth??
Love the way the heart quilt is coming out, and can't wait to see the whole thing finished.
The snow picture makes me cold, all that chilly blue light and snow and bare trees... makes me want a fire in the fireplace!
You are a woman after my own heart. I do have one resolution, which is to be a bit more organised but I'm not holding my breath. We stop in too on New Year's Eve, I'm cooking for my family at lunchtime so that is more important to me.
Glad things are going a little more smootly with your quilting. I bought my DH a bible in a year bible and we are going to try to read that every day together.
Oh yes - that is my kind of New Years Eve!!! And I love the buggy!
your "resolutions" sound very sane. May they bring you peace...
ooooh i love your buggy all you need now is a nice horse to go with it. Wishing you all a Happy New Year, Ill be in on my with with my dogs reading and writing blogs, quilting of course nothing beats the magic of quilting
Happy new year from Italy ciao ciao
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