Yesterday morning it was sunny and 10 degrees above zero. It is AMAZING how warm that can feel after the temps we had last week. I guess it just goes to show you--- it’s all about perspective…..
When the temps are above zero we been snowshoeing. Here’s Don and my feet on the trail.

We’ve got a 3-mile trek set up. Ransom loves it, but by the end of it--- he’s following our footsteps.

It’s quite an endeavor for him to heave the piles of snow. Yes—I’m a little envious of those gearing up for spring. I know I’ve got a good three months of winter ahead--- So I’m forced to find the good things in my own back yard.
My Sunday school kids and I made feeders for the birds last Sunday attached with paper heart bible verses.

We filled the oranges with homemade suet. I’d like to take credit for the clever idea, but I found it here.
Quilting. I’ve got the binding finished on a couple of quilts that I’ve talked about forever. A couple of weeks ago Chelsey was weeding out some old things and pulled out a quilt top she had pieced at about 12.

I can remember always going fabric shopping with her. She’d always ask to pick out a fat quarter or two. She’d pick the brightest, funniest pieces.

Lots of times they had frogs.

As a kid, she’d catch them by the dozen during summers in the U.P. I told her to leave it on my machine and I’d quilt it for her. It’s going in the mail today. She asked--- “What’ll I do with it?” My response—“I don’t know, it’s big enough for a lap quilt. It’s full of memories. It’ll keep you from getting homesick. You’ll have a piece of home with you…” I can’t wait till she gets it.
Other quilting. I finished my Seasons Block of the month from the Country Loft. I attached the borders.

It’s going to be the next to hit the quilting frame. I tried for an outdoor shot, but the snow is just too deep, I kept falling. Its colors fit the fireplace anyway. I recommend their BOM programs. Their packaging and patterns are great. It’s like getting a present every month. I’ve signed up for their program again this year.
While I haven’t posted often this month, I have been reading. I think quilters are being wise to the economy and not purchasing quite as much and being creative with what they have. There are tons of free BOM program on-line thanks to the graciousness of quilt designers everywhere.
looks like you have been busy with your quilts. I like the suet feeder also - I am looking out my window and I have finches all over my thistle seed bags (2of them) and blue jays and cardinals at the feeders.
Good to hear from you. Those memories of stitching with our daughters are precious. enJOY
I love the bird feeder that you made. Such a simple neat idea.
Your quilt is beautiful and the idea of stitching with your daughter is beautiful. I have a seven year old little girl who I would love to teach things like this to
That made me smile. If that quilt isn't as bright as your child, I don't know what is!
You are preparing a beautiful legacy...
Glad to see all is well with you and we all survived this terrible cold snap. I also was in the Country Loft BOM last year, but am declining this year because of the economy :o( I hope for a better next year.
Chelsea is going to love her quilt! How fun!
What an awesome memory quilt! I bet it seems like yesterday when she made it. I hope to have my little girls making quilts soon. They do love to watch me sew.
Love, love , love the BOM!! Give me homespun anytime!!
Chelsea is going to be a very happy girl *s* Lots of sweet memories for her and mom!
Wish I could trade you a little warm sunshine for a yard full of snow. Why is it the grass is always greener . . . or the snow always looks funner in someone else's yard?
What a great memory quilt for Chelsey. When my DD comes fabric shopping for me or if I go to a show without her I always pick up the obligatory "cat fabric FQ" .... we have quite a collection!
I love the Country Loft! Everytime that I go in there, it is like eye-candy for quilters....oh my....I think I will also have to sign up for the BOM!
I have also knocked a few books off of my reading list!
Glad to have some news from you...can see that you have been busy with a lot of patchworking...
I just love the Country Loft is wonderful... So they have another one out...hmmm..need to take a look at that one... :o)
And I agree with you... it can feel warm even if it´s -15 ( 5F) after colder days...;o)
TAke care...
Chelsey's quilt is just your 4 Seasons...I'll bet Ransom was laughing out loud and my Howie and Zack for sitting in front of the fireplace when it was low 30's.
I did a double-take when I saw the pic of Chelsey's quilt - thought you'd changed your taste in quilting fabrics for a minute! All became clear when I read that it was Chelsey's choice - what a great ray of sunshine to arrive for her in the mail.
Well, I for one, am jealous of your snow! Snowshoeing sounds like lots of fun to me! I love snow!!!!
Your BOM from Cotton Loft is scrumptious!! So warm and cozy looking!
Joann's quilt looks great. I have all my blocks to do. You should see this years quilt. It is even better. I am lucky I have Joann as a friend.
Oh the quilts look so good! I am behind on the 4 seasons since that work still drives the arm nuts, but slowly it will be finished. I'm about the start fall. I still signed up for the next one though...hoping to get speedier!
I love your Seasons quilt ... look forward to seeing the quilting. I cannot imagine -40 degrees (C or F). I think it's cold when it's under 10 C! The snow looks very pretty though.
Your Seasons quilt is lovely. I didn't get mine finished yet. I did get one finished for a friend for Christmas. I love it. What a neat and simple idea for a bird feeder.
Love your completed Seasons quilt top, I'm sooooo behind with mine, but your picture has inspired me to get it out this afternoion and get going again!
I love Chelsea's quilt - I think that even though she picked the fabrics as a child it's still bright and funky enough to appeal to a teenager - you may end up with orders from her friends yet
Love your stitchery quilt - the piecing between the stitcheries are so nice - must store that concept away for future reference :o) Don't envy you all that snow though
My goodness, I think you have enough snow there to last awhile.
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