Eight days – I can’t believe it’s been that long since I last posted. I wanted to post a quilt picture --- but this is it….

Working full time – I sew, but many times it’s on the fly, a couple of seams here and there. This is the scrap basket that fabric scraps get tossed in. Chelsey and I are working at getting organized and the basket is now empty and a few pieces every night get iron and measured up and cut into even strips for a scrap quilt dream that I have. I look at the basket and think—‘ My Grandma could easily get two quilts out of that…’ We’ll keep you posted.
Enough fabric talk – the rest is about Life this week. Today is the first day in over a week that the temperatures will reach double digits. A friend and I have been walking 2miles everyday at lunch. There were two days when I wimped out and didn’t go. But there were 2 days at 5 degrees that we bundled up and made it the distance. Working in an airplane hangar you must dress for the weather, I’ve been wearing my husbands ‘Under Armor’ long underwear a couple pairs of socks and sweaters. And I dare anyone to say I’ve put on weight--- it’s simply survival….

When I thought I couldn't take the cold any more I trudged out to the mailbox and found this -
Juliann sent me magazines she had finished with. It made my day. What a great idea -- I hope others do this or take them to hospitals or even senior citizens centers. Thanks again....
Ransom and I hit the trails 3 days this week. As cold as it is, just to see him dance at the opportunity, it’s worth it. The snow is piled about two feet high along the road’s edge, so I’ve been walking without Don because there’ just not room on our road. Ransom – he runs through the woods… and sleeps real good at night.
Chelsey got her grades – 2 A’s, 2 B’s and 1 C in the class she cut (Let’s not relive it, check previous posts!!!). I was thrilled. One more semester and she’ll graduate. I had a Sunday School teacher’s meeting Tuesday night—which I bailed on. I deliberately did not go. We’ve been going through a lot with Chelsey lately--- not bad stuff… but I guess I have forgotten what it’s like to almost be 18 and having all the pressures of “What am I going to do with the rest of my life?!?!” I just needed to be home for supper with her. They were recruiting people for a Teacher’s workshop on Saturday and with working full time, parenting and housework, I am not up for it. I called the director and told the truth and they understood. I told them not to give up on me, and in a few months I may be able to attend all the workshops they want me to, but right now life is about priorities and I have choices to make. Living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, kids are often pressured to go ‘Downstate to college a minimum of 6 hours away or they’re not really going to college’. Lots of pressure, but there are several really good universities close to home in the U.P. Chelsey is just not ready to be so far from home--- and I’m OK with that. She’s going to be a great adult one day--- if I can just get her there….
I’ve played with fabric every night this week--- wish I had more to share--- I’ll do better next week. Stay warm, do something fun this weekend.