I got my first batch of Snapped beans cooked last night. Chelsey’s gone to Cheerleading Camp and Eric’s at bible camp. So it was just Don and I--- not a bad thing either. I was hungry for my Mom’s home cooking, but she’s 1200 miles away. I cooked fresh corn, steaks and gravy, beans with new potatoes and cornbread. It was good, and fun to do, Don walked in from work with dinner on the table, but I couldn’t help but think Don kept looking at the dishes thinking it was too much work for one meal and two people. Oh well, leftovers tonight… so it balances out.
What have I been working on? A week ago an announcement was made that a church sponsored missionary couple that is in Liberia was having a box shipped to them economically($7 a cubic foot) on August 5th. As a quilter, the first thing I think of “A quilt has to be in the box!!!!) They have 3 kids under 6 years old. I taught the wife Sunday school twenty years ago. I think people should have quilts on lots of occasions, but with work and family, I seldom get the chance to follow through. But this time I said a prayer and decided it will all come together if it was meant to be. So I went home and glanced at my bulletin board of “quilt wishes”. You know that one--- It has quilt pictures, sample patterns in the mail, magazine clippings of things you’re gonna make “one day”. Well, I saw this piece---What turned out to be the pattern from Hell.

I pull fabrics from my stash like a mad woman and went to work on it.

My sewing machine is still broken, but I pulled out my old one Don gave me for a wedding gift. I plugged it in and again, “acted on faith” that it would work. I haven’t posted about it because, to be honest, I got scared I couldn’t follow through…But Sunday night I finished piecing it. I don’t have a picture of the completed work because I immediately had to get batting behind it and get it quilted. In the grand scheme of things it would have been great to get people from church to sign it, but there isn’t time--- maybe next time, but an idea from Leanne Beasley came to me and I’m going to do some writing on quilt labels and attach to the quilt. Some bible verses, some quilt wisdom (some words of wisdom of Finn)--- I’ll post more pictures as soon as the finishing touches are done. A confession, I brought the pattern to work to study--- I even cut up half square triangle units one morning at work when I was working by myself…. All I kept thinking was “Lord, this is for missionaries… my boss will KILL me!!!. It’s your job to take care of me. This quilt has to be made.” The pattern had measuring errors in it. It turned out to be a lot tougher than intended, and I’m not real sure it’s a real pretty quilt, but there’s a lot of heart in it. Don kept saying--- “They’re in Africa Mel--- it’s hot there….what do they need a quilt for????”
I had a $10.00 coupon at Keepsake quilting. I ordered this pattern and a spool of thread. It’s hopefully going to be for Eric’s Boss.

The last photo is some great reading.

Lots of good ideas in both magazines. Fall colors--- where is the summer going?
One last thing--- a Chelsey moment. Yes—we’ve had a challenging summer. She headed off yesterday to Cheer Camp. “Mom, have you seen the movie, “Bring it On? I’m fixing to live that movie… it’s not going to be pretty!” We’ve been having weather in the upper 90’s. They’ll be working hard, lifting each other, no air conditioning, running, flipping and having to keep a smile the entire time. Can you imagine twenty something girls like Chelsey on one team?!?!?! (Pray for the leader!!) Well, I took the chance and having her eyes roll at me (It infuriates me) and said, “Chels, it’s going to be hot, tiring, and long. But you don’t have to be the bad guy. I guarantee if you sit back and watch, someone else will beat you to it… think about it.” Well, she didn’t roll her eyes. Maybe she listened. On the road she called from her cell. And She said---- like it was all her idea---“Mom, this is going to be the worst, it’s hot and it’s only 6 am… but I’m going to sit back and watch these girls, someone will throw a fit so I don’t have to….” Smart girl……
Quilters keeping in touch with me through email
Determination not to give up on a gift
A good week at work
Wow, have you been busy. What a nice idea to make the quilt for the missionaries.
Chelsea is going to grow up in spite of herself! vbg
Glad to see a post from you - and it looks like you aren't letting any moss grown under you feet! Can't wait to see the quilt. Gives me new respect for the people who write and test quilt patterns.
Gosh, what a busy bee you've been! Oh, I know that quilt will look sweet! It has too, it was made from the heart. Enjoy the time alone with hubby! Keep well!
You'll be so glad that you stuck to it when the quilt is done - just think how happy they will be to receive it *s* You are a sweetie.
You beat me to it with your garden pics again! but I did take some of mine and will post them this week!
Glad to hear that you and Don have some alone time and the kids are having a good summer!
I'm sure it gets cold at night in Africa too! You must have been sewing at the speed of light to get the quilt done.
No wonder you haven't had time to post. You've been a busy woman!!! I'm sure your quilt will be a treasued gift and will be well worth the effort.
I hope your kids have a great week at their camps!
Okay, welllll where to start after your post! Your a busy critter...
One, if your quilt turned out to be the ugliest on the planet, (which it won't) the people you made it for from your church would think it was the most beautiful because of the Love,Time,Effort, you took to get it done and send it to them :O)...
I think you are so very lucky with your children, they seem like good kids and pretty darn grounded for kids these days! Major accomplishment I say!
Yep, time alone with DH is a wonderful thing, I so enjoy time with my DH, where we never had children, my DH works a lot and always has! When he is home I am just so happy! We just enjoyed 4, yes 4 whole days together, it was super :O)...we both hated to see it come to a end...
The baby quilt you are making is very cute :O)...
You have been very busy. I'm sure your quilt will be very much appreciated.
Good for you! What an accomplishment, and I'm sure that it gets cold even in Africa on occasion! I saw that gardening magazine while waiting in the grocery store line last night and was SOOOOO tempted, but I really don't garden anymore, so I resisted. Instead, I bought the Mary Engelbreit Home Companion--another good choice!
Whoa, you have been one busy quilter, woman, mom, etc.
WOW! I'm ready to call you Wonder Woman. I don't know which to comment on first, so I guess I'll go with the quilt for the missionaries - that is just such a wonderful thing to do and they will surely treasure it as it deserves to be treasured.
Your zinnias look great - I love their bright colors. Glad you fixed cornbread to go with your feast, teehee. The raccoons finished off our corn, but we're eating good fresh beans now, and it's wonderful. I'm so thankful to have them because it was so dry for so long I was afraid we wouldn't have them.
And, yes, Chelsey listens to dear old mom more than you think!
I've just been reading Leanne Beasley's blog, and she's been to Loxton. She says she's coming back again next year, you know hon ... it's a comfortable drive from me ... food for thought ... *vbs*
That is so nice of you to make a quilt for there family as a gift. You can get it done. Sometimes a deadline can be helpful.
Woohoo! busy quilting month!! You are right, EVERYONE needs a quilt! :) And dinner sounded wonderful!
Who's been a busy bee then.
If you would like to pay me a visit I think you may be pleasently surprised :-)
Supper sounded so good! And the flowers were pretty. They're gonna' love your quilt.
Hi Mel, high fives for grabbing the ball, running with it, and making it to the goal line dispite the numberous tackles and fumbles!! I knew you could do it!
I look forward to seeing the quilt, I'm sure it will be radiant with your love, dedication and determination..*VBS*
The Little Bears look adorable, and yes, 4th babies definitely deserve something of their own and special!!!
Good going on Chels...treasure the moment, and trust me, you'll get more of them as she ages..I'd almost given up and mine acquiring any wisdom, but I hear it more often now. Hugs, Finn
Great idea, and well worth sneaking some work time.
Loved the little teddy quilt, I'm sitting here working out how I could change that to suit what I have, Tracey
I'm sure the quilt is beautiful. Of course they need quilts in Africa! It's for comfort as much as anything else, a piece of home. If you were impressed to make it, then they need it!
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