I took a picture because I wanted to remember the view. We had a relaxing day for the holiday. There was a small thunderstorm about 2:00 pm, but it just made us take a nap until the sun came back out….
Both kids were in the hometown parade. The parade covered a five mile path. It was complete with cotton candy vendors and school bands. At 17, Chelsey was in the senior Cheerleader group. Eric works for a well drilling company so he got roped into walking along their float in the parade passing out water bottles with the company logo. While this isn’t a great picture, I wanted to keep it.

I realize both of my kids are pretty much “grown” and this will be the last “Independence Day” parade for them… We’ve sat through them in strollers, through the ‘Candy-catching’ years and their last year of being “In” the parade…. While Eric wasn’t at all thrilled about being in the parade, he admitted afterward it was a blast--- on a hot day you’re real popular—and after toting cases of bottles of water for five miles, he doesn’t have to lift weights tonight….
Chelsey is about to go to a national FCCLA convention. She’ll represent Michigan. Each person is given a pack of state pins – 5 in a package—to trade with other kids. You can buy additional pins but their really expensive.

Answers to quilt questions. The ‘White’ stuff on the back of my BOM block is a thin interfacing that I used to stabilize the fabric. The homespun fabric is so flimsy that the blocks were difficult to appliqué and the stitching wasn’t coming out crisp…
What kind of appliqué? Keep in mind, I’ve never had a quilting class, and we were taught NOT to take sewing class in school. I trace the patterns on freezer paper and then iron the fabric down around the edges. I pull the freezer paper out press the edges back down and stitch into place. The Primitive garden came in a cotton set or a woolen set. I almost wished I had gotten the wool set but I had so little experience. I hand appliquéd it because I don’t want the edges frayed, I want the quilt to last for ages….
Red white and blue flags
Corn on the cob
Happy 4th of July! What wonderful memories! Small towns are great for parades! Those pins are sooo cute. What a great idea. I've appliqued home spun pieces but never as a background. I can see how it would be a challenge. Have you ever tried needle turn applique? I learned it from a Robyn Pandolph book Stitched with Love. It included a cd with a video of the technique. Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a fun day. The pins Chelsea is making are cute. I also do needle turn. I learned it a long time ago when some friends and I got a book with that method and just practiced a bunch. It would be a good method to try out on something simple first.
What a handsome boy - I love action shots of my kids as much if not more than posed pictures - captures the essence of them so much more
Isn't great to see the flags flying from porches all over - it just makes me happy and proud *s*
Eric looks like he's having fun . . . maybe a little warm, but there's plenty of water nearby.
I bet Chelsey's pins are the best in the bunch (the one's that she made, I mean) Nothing like a personal touch to make something even more special.
Very cute little pins that Chelsy made. I bet they will be popular to trade. How many did she make?
You were told NOT to take sewing in school? I took a lot of sewing classes in school. Some schools here have sewing classes with quilting and fiber arts as well.
Happy 4th of July :))
Great picture - I have never done 'proper' applique at all.
By 'proper' I mean hand-sewn, not fused on and zig-zagged.
I'm glad you had a good Fourth of July! Change is inevitable as the children grow, but it seems the progress is on the positive side. You've raised some good kids.
Oh her pins are WONDERFUL! They are really great. Way better than boughten pins! Hope she has a great time!
Hard to believe how quickly the years went when you look back at them. Looking forward was a whole 'nother story. =)
Chelsea's pins are just darling. Anyone would be happy to trade for them! Is she going to try to have enough to trade for every state?
As you ease into the "kids are grown now" phase , you will have these times to treasure when they do things and talk about things from earlier years. And then when they plan some things of their own that copy or are similar, there are incredible feelings of joy and gratitude and blessing.
Interfacing, huh? I had thought you were following Princess Nimble Thimble's idea of not doing the embroidery till the batting was in place to get a good "quilty" effect at the same time. It's something I'm planning to try, maybe on one of the little doll quilts.
There are about a million ways to do applique - experiment with some and pick your favorites. Depending on the project, I use more than one method and am convinced there is no THE way to do it. It's for you to enjoy the process and the outcome. Period.
And the pins were great - I agree with the others that the homemade ones will be cherished much more than the others.
Hi Mel, sounds like a wonderful 4th of july...*VBS* Yes, nostalgia is the mode of the day, the hour, each moment of our lives. It's that pause that takes us from 'present' to 'previous' and then the eerie glimpse into the 'future'. Does tend to rattle our tree abit. take a deep breath, and hold on tight.
Love the flag picture, a perfect moment, captured and preserved.
Great Brown Eyed Susan in the previous post...one of my favorites, always. Love the pitcher.
Hugs, Finn
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