I took my sewing machine in. It’s going to be at least two weeks. Don told me to start researching and if it costs too much, we’ll just get a new one. As understanding as he is, I really just want my old machine repaired. I think the thing that bothered me the most was leaving it there for the two weeks. I wanted to make the appointment for two weeks from now and bring it in. The lady said, “Well, is it sewing?” “Well, no, but…” The logical side of me realized how ridiculous I was being but the emotional side wanted to say---‘You don’t leave your kids at the doctor’s office when their appointment isn’t for two weeks….’
I completed block 4 of the Primitive Garden. I still have to wash out the pencil marks. The tail feathers are not sewn down. When you join it with other blocks the tail feathers overlap to the next block.
I’m jumping to Block 7--- why? Because I can…. Block 5 is my favorite and there are many small pieces so I want to do it later. Block 6 is OK. Block 7 just looked fun…

So after completing this post, I’m off to trace – when I should be settling down for the evening.
The Folks in California are having fun….I’m glad.
Long Distance phone calls—Everyone seems closer
Sewing Machine Repair People in our town
Grilled Steaks with Eric
Oh dear, it's like loosing a limb when you have to part with your loved machine. Hope it's back sooner than the two weeks, so that you don't suffer too many withdrawls.
You deserve a break, I hope your machine doesn't take 2 weeks to get fixed. But then maybe a new machine is not so bad. The blocks are so cute, love the fabrics.
Eeeek! Two weeks! I never understand why these things take so long! At least you still have that darling applique to work on. Really cute stuff!
Two weeks!!!! You will have to find some embroidery or applique to do .
Your 365 days blocks look great!
Can't bear it when something goes wrong with my machine, bet you find yourself going to use it and then remember it's not there!
My sympathies for having to leave the machine. Fantastic analogy about not leaving your children, either. Maybe they'll get to it sooner than two weeks. You're settling down to quilt after a 12-hour-workday? Kudos to you!!
I'm with you...I never want toleave my machine somewhere for more than a day or two. It's not anything spectacular, but it's mine and I love it...love the leaving your children at the dr's office analogy. That is a very fun block.
My Bernina started acting up, so I have to get it in for repairs too. At least my repair guy seems to understand what it is like for us quilters to be without our machines. Last time I had a problem, he phoned me the evening I brought it in to him to tell me he would have it finished in two days and what the cost would be. I will definitely go back to him!
I just brough my machine to be serviced. It was only there four days but I missed it terribly! The substitute that I havejust isn't the same. Hope your machine is OK
Sure hope these next two weeks go quickly for you. Again I say, thank goodness for hand work. The time will fly while you enjoy your next BOM selection.
So glad to hear good reports from CA - I think it's a pretty special place *s*
Oh, I stumbled upon you and just adore your name. Isn't that the best of life, covered porchess and wooden screen doors!
"because I can"...boy, I LOVE those words and that philosophy! I think I'll join you, I'll put aside one quilt for the hour or two that I will need to cut the hr a day..because I can!
The first year my DH and I were together he bought me a new sewing machine for Christmas! It was a Kenmore with some decorative stitches and I thought I had died and gone to heaven! My first brand new sewing machine!
I used the heck out of that machine for gosh 18 yrs, then it got sick :O(... I took it in and they couldn't seem to fix it after several tries...I couldn't part with it, I still have it :O)... I found a old bobbin case off another machine and that seemed to help it, it still makes a beautiful ruffle with the ruffle attachment :O),but it wont' sew a straight stitch go figure... so I leave it set up to make ruffles with, thats all it will do :O)... but gosh I love that machine, everytime I think of how blown away I was to have my very own brand new machine :O), no less from my sweety :O)... I guess I will keep it forever even if it stops ruffling LOL... yes we get attached to our machines!
Yeah, but....I want to see your completed blocks! I finally got block #3 prepped today, so just need to gather the right threads to start it.
Hi Mel, so sorry to hear your sewing buddy needs a dr. It's soooo hard to have to leave them behind. I hope the two weeks goes really fast, and that the 'fix' is quick and easy.
Maybe that thunderstorm? I really love your block 7 of the Garden series...a fun picture. Sounds like a good week for both you and Eric,kind of a nice change of pace. By these later years, Moms don't get to spend much one on one time with the sons anymore...it's very special. Hugs, Finn
Your patriotic dishes are so pretty. I can understand about missing your machine, even if it isn't working. We do tend to get attached to our things. I too hope that they can find time to fix it earlier, so that you can get it back quicker.
The fabric for your new block is really pretty - I can see why it would get to jump ahead in line!
Your 365 is great. I admire you being able to keep up with it. I think the temperature is a great idea - and frost in July - goodness!
I'm really enjoying seeing your Primitive Garden blocks, and I think you had a great idea for the 365 blocks to keep up with things like temperatures and "firsts" of the seasons.
This week with Eric will provide wonderful memories for you both forever. As you remember things, the time will just glow in your minds.
Dont these people realise, we cant live wthout a sewing machine for 2 weeks!!! lol hope its something quick and easy to fix and u get it back sooner!!!! love ur Primitive Garden blocks, those colours r wonderful!!!
Thanks for your comment on my blog... just an update... my husband is the soft hearted person here....LOL He came in and got the left over cornbread and has been feeding that possum today. There was a can in there that did have the bait, he flipped it over and has put water in it for the mother. Last time he came in he informed me that he has counted five (5) babies in there. Someone told him there is a lady at Scuffleton that they call the "possum lady." She has a baby possum that she is raising. My husband put in a call to her to see if she wants to adopt these. I'll let you know how it goes...
Yea, I read you on machines. I miss my machene when it's in the shop. Your blocks look lovely. How is your Quilter's Journey coming along? Please remember to take good care of yourself! Keep well!
I hate leaving my machine to get cleaned, let alone repaired. Hope it's back to you sooner than you think! But, hey, even though you love your machine doing some research on a new one could be fun. At least you have your applique blocks to keep you company!
OOO - I really like this block! So far I love them all but the geranium one - why I don't like it, I just don't know
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