One night I made my cards and got them mailed for my Sunday school kids. Another night I got all 43 pieces of my next Primitive Garden block ready to appliqué. Last night, I mostly caught up on laundry and got things ready for Don and Chelsey to come home.
Here’s a photo of the last block I completed.

It was sprinkling rain when I took the picture. We’ve had gorgeous days all week, but by 4:30 pm, it clouds over and rains. I don’t really mind—Ransom does—because he doesn’t get his run in. But it is taking a toll on the garden. The weeds and I are going to battle it out this weekend.
A couple of dish pictures--- My Blue Willow dishes that hang in my Dining room.

My Mom gave me one and the other I found in a second hand shop in Escanaba. You may already know this, but there’s a neat story about the dishes. The Willow-pattern ware, originated in Staffordshire, England, c.1780. Thomas Minton, then an apprentice potter, developed and engraved the design, presumably after an old Chinese legend.

It portrays the garden of a rich mandarin whose young daughter elopes with his secretary. The lovers were overtaken on the bridge by her father and were transformed by the gods into birds and flutter beyond his reach. Being the hopeless romantic--- keeper of dishes--- this is my kind of stuff.
I also have a Currier and Ives Pieces by Royal China called the Old Grist Mill. I always thought the name of the collection was Old Grist Mill, but it’s just part of the Currier and Ives Pattern.

I better head to work, It’s Friday and Pay-day… a great combination.
Grill Cheese Sandwiches
Airplane Travel—family gets home quick
Porch Swings
I love your china. There is something about blue and white china that is special.
I love your block and the way you take your photo's is so imaginative. My Nana had Blue Willow plates, so pretty. Interesting story behind them. Enjoy your weekend with all your family back together.
I knew you enjoyed your dishes . . . but I love that you know the stories behind them, too. Enjoy having everyone home again *s*
Guess what I use for everyday china? Yep, willow pattern!
My dishes are the blue willow pattern. How cool to hear the story behind it! Thanks for sharing it!
I love youre dishes! And tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are my favorite!
I love that Blue Willow pattern, and never knew the story behind it!
This block is my favorite yet. I think that with each one you post, though. But I do really like it... honeysuckle?
My eldest sister had a large set of doll dishes, blue willow. I've lusted after them for years.
YOu brought back fond memories with your picture of the Currier & Ives plates. Those were the dishes my Mom had when we were kids. With five of us, I'm sure none of them survived!@!! Thanks for the push down memory lane.
Great block, I liked it when it was just the shovel :O).. now with all the other things on it its even prettier ...
I have that exact same Currier and Ives plate! Love it. The piece are turning out wonderful!
Love your latest block! Did you post a picture of the pattern? Thanks for the history info on the Blue Willow plates, too.
Your block came out great. I really like that block, too. Have a great weekend.
Love your blue and white dishes!
Oh I love that block and the dishes!
Hey there Mel, your block looks just lovely, I love the flowers and the birds. You and I have so many of the same tastes, I adore blue and white china, and collect it too. I just love the story behind it.
Thnx for the story behind the dishes....i have a set (6 piece setting) of the Real Old Willow by Booths that my grandfather gave us as an engagement present.....beautiful to look at but im too scared to use it!! lol
Beautiful plates and thanks for sharing their stories. Hope you are having a lovely weekend with a reunited family.
I just love your block and I really like the little garden sign that it is hanging on. You have quite the "eye" for taking pictures.
Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a standard Friday night dinner here.
Gosh you're productive! Your block looks lovely. The weather here has been strange. It rained pretty much all week, thunderstorms. Your dishes are nice. It's neat to have the story behing your piece. Thanks for sharing!d
Bet by now the other half of your family is home and you are getting all caught up with each other. Sounds like you and Eric had some good one on one time with them gone between work and personal pursuits.
your weather pattern sounds like what we have in the SE. Afternoon tstorms or rain spells. You know all about that stuff from living down this way.
Your Primitive Garden blocks are so neat! What is the pattern or designer? Love the plates and the history too.
The appliqued block is verrry nice. Blue Willow, another one of my favorites! Hope the family time is/was great also!
I like all dishes that are blue and white. I have a few pieces of blue willow. I love your quilt block too!
Great block, and I love the story that goes along with the blue willow pattern. I knew I liked it for some reason!
I too love china and have some blue willow hanging on the wall! Thanks for sharing the story.
We had those blue and white Currier and Ives dishes when I was a child. Mom got them at the grocery store. Each week there was a special on one of the pieces. You also got a discount on dish purchases with the groceries you bought. We started our married life with what was left of the dishes. Eventually the last few went to Goodwill. I'd love to have a few now - even a plate or two. Or the wonderful platter and large chop plate.
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