Here’s proof I’m still around. I’m stitching away on the birdhouse block of my project. It’s not moving as fast as I had hoped but the summer is filled with so much going on, we have to balance things out.
Don and Chelsey made it home. The laundry is even caught up. I got all the weekend housework done before they got home, so I had the entire weekend at home to play. Saturday, I sewed and played in the garden.

There are two rows with fencing that act as trellises for cucumbers and gourds. I have snap beans or what most call green beans planted in two patches about two weeks apart. I have hopes that the vegetables will be ready to pick at different times so maybe they will last longer. I have regular tomatoes and cherry tomatoes planted. Most of the time we get frost before the full size tomatoes are ready, but I planted them in the sunniest spot in the garden and got bigger plants to begin with. There are marigolds along the fence rail with birdhouse gourds planted amongst them.

The gourds will eventually tower above them on the fencing. And zinnias and forget-me-nots (I’m a sucker for a flower with a neat name) planted along another side. Hopefully I’ll have cut flowers for the dinner table before too long. The bell pepper and squash are coming along too.
Here is a photo out along the roadside – The Queen Anne’s Lace Flowers are blooming everywhere.

I always bring some in for the porch. I don’t know if it’s the name I love—the fact that they call it “lace” are just the flower it self, but these are some of my favorites.

Both my kids have good work “ethics” and are hanging onto their summer jobs
Less than 7 days and I should have my sewing machine back
Fried chicken for supper – Don makes the best…
Nice to 'see' you. Love your garden - especially the angel at the gate. :-)
Oh, Queen Anne's Lace flowers are so much fun to just look at. I've always loved them.
Love your garden. Is the fence to keep the deer out? I've always thought Queen Anne's lace was pretty too but around here it is considered a weed. I think it is a wild flower. I also like veggies and flowers mixed together. I've put a few veggies in with my flowers but not this year. I do have some lemon basal which I really love. I can't imagine what I'd do without my sewing machine for two weeks. I have an old one that would probably get dragged out. I'm really addicted. :)
I love the decorations you have on the garden gate and fence, such a well organised garden, and such pretty wild flowers.
Loved the tour of your garden - a very nice mix of flowers and veggies . . . and all so neatly organized. Looks like a fun, fun place to spend time.
Your garden is delightful. Looks like it is tucked into the woods, like a secret garden.
Keep up the good work beating down those weeds!
Love the garden! Your Garden Angel looks like she is on duty at all times!!
What a lovely garden you have and I adore the angel on your gate. Queen Ann's Lace is one of my favorites. Reminds me of my sister. She used it in arrangements when others cut theirs down and/or threw them out.
Thank you for the tour of your garden, it's lovely!
My condolences on being without sewing machine... That must be why I have seven machines :-O !!
Oh my goodness, your garden is gorgeous!!
Oh, Queen Anne's Lace is one of my favorite wildflowers! It doesn't grow out here, but I loved seeing fields and fields of it back in Illinois!
Your garden is awesome! I love the Queen Anne's lace also. We have been enjoying the abundance of it on our walks each evening.
Love your garden!
Glad to read that you're enjoying the summer. Love your garden and you have added you personal touch with decorations. You block is looking lovely. thanks for sharing!
Your garden is so neat and compact. I love the angel. My husband overplanted our small space and everything met in the middle of the rows. It is so hard to pick. Our cukes are on fence too and the vines are higher than my head. Thanks for sharing!
Your garden is lovely.
Your garden is just beautiful. And I love how you carrying the gardening/outdoor theme through to your quilting! My garden looks quite pathetic...but I had some delicious green beans the other night for dinner! Now I'm waiting for my tomatoes...
Thank you for sharing pictures of your garden, I just love it. I'm not really a gardener, but I always appreciate those of others. Your quilt is coming along so nicely, you do such beautiful work!
What marvelous garden pictures! Makes me so wanting to garden like this again. This will come next year when I retire.
The garden angel is beyond wonderful!
I wish I had your gardening touch, yours looks so special. Enjoyed reading your post. :)
LOVE the garden gate. That is way cute.
I think we call Queen Anne's Lace Cow Parsley. Not sure why. I expect there is a reason.
Your veggie's look healthy and well looked after. Everyone here is bemoaning the bad weather. Tomatoes have got blight, everything is either waterlogged or keeling over and I noticed yesterday that the leaves are turning and its only July!
Your Garden Angel is obviously doing her "stuff".
Your block is looking good, and your garden is wonderful!! So neat and tidy and weed-free! Your dirt looks light and loamy - is it? I love Queen Anne's Lace, too, and even like its odd smell. When you were a kid, did you put food coloring in the water to dye them different colors? Sometimes I still do that. Every year I stop and get some from the roadside to take home for a bouquet at least once.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us.
Your garden is is inviting, makes me want to be there (and I avoid the outdoors and yardwork)
Sorry to burst your 'flower name' bubble but where I grew up in the north of the UK we call Queen Anne's Lace 'Cow Parsley'
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