A picture first…

The angel that watches over the back porch. The photo doesn’t do her justice. Summer is in full swing. The temps have been in the low 80’s…just about right for the U.P.
Thursday night we went to some friends’ house for supper from church. They have eighty acres about 20 miles from our place. The food was good, the conversation even better. We even walked through their vegetable garden. We don’t do things with friends as often as I’d like. We’ll get our turn as the kids get older.
The comments about Chelsey I really took to heart. As, I’ve said before… I think I’m the one growing as much as she is. She went to Green Bay with a couple of friends Friday looking for Grad picture clothes. I bet she called 10 times—“Mom, I can’t do this…I need you here…” I think my heart grew two sizes that day… Like I said before…maybe I need to grow up too.
I don’t know where the weekend went. Not much quilting went on. I caught up on laundry and the house. I looked at the clock on Sunday evening at it was 6:00pm and I hadn’t even bought groceries. I made a quick list and Don and I hit the store. The bill was about $50.00 higher because he went, but the company was definitely worth it.
Here are impatiens that are thriving this summer.

I lost Eric to Harry Potter this weekend…he said it had a great ending. He was really stressing over it before he started. I’m glad it did, he's too much of an optimist, to become cynical.
10 kids in Sunday school
Quilt pictures—food for the soul when I can’t quilt.