Quilting first off. Don has taken off for a few days to deal with spring home maintenance. The kids brought home college junk and now he has declared part of the basement a fire hazard so he started going through it. This is what he found in a box, one of my Grandmother’s quilts.

Chelsey’s response: “Mom—she picks out better fabrics than you!!!” It needs a little repair, but I’m going to work on it tonight.

It’s hand pieced and hand quilted.
We have a new addition to our family.

Our robins have flown the nest—Sunday Night. I think they just outgrew the nest and fell out so they had no choice but to fly.

Saturday morning Ransom and Bruno found this in the woods. They were barking and Chelsey came to see. There was a Doe behind the garage. Usually they are just as scared of people and run away if you get near. Chels grabbed the pup thinking he’s was going to get stepped on and when she turned her back the doe head-butted her. T he dogs were screaming and she was screaming and I came running out to the porch. First thought—the doe was sick or something. Then I saw something like a cat at her feet. She was protecting her fawn.

We called a DNR friend later in the afternoon because the fawn remained behind the garage and the doe left it. He told us that fawns are born with no scent and since they are too fragile at birth to travel the does keep them in tall grass and come back often to nurse.

There are miracles in your life every day--- you just have to find them…
Lots of snuggling going on there - Chelsea and Bruno under that quilt, a little fawn tucked up safe in the leaves and those robins - there's precious little room to house a flea in that nest, no wonder they up and left :o) Lovely photos and the quilt, what a wonderful discovery
What a post, all those precious things. You are right, we just have to look for those miracles.
Great story about the animals, but I'm crazy about the quilt! Such great colors - but I don't think there is anything wrong with your color choices :D
I love your story about the fawn! And so close to your house.
Grandma's quilt looks like some of the fabrics that are on the market right now.
What a great post! Love the quilt. What a treasure to find hidden away. Glad to know the robins have made it so well. And the fawn--well, how precious is that!!!! And Bruno? What a cutie!
You live very close to nature...dont you...:o)) Loved the pictures... :o) And how cute isnt Bruno...:o)))
You have a real treasure in your Grandmothers quilt!!!
Lucky you!
Ahhhh - your first granddog *s* Looks like you have lots of little baby animals in your life these days - what fun!
What a terrific find, grandma's quilt. Love the photo's of the pu and Chelsey, and amazing pic of the fawn.
Wow..wonderful pictures of everything..the beautiful quilt, beautiful daughter, beautiful puppy and beautiful fawn.
What a day you had!!!
Beautiful quilt your grandmother made! The colors are still so vibrant. I love the fawn story.
Oh your grandmother's quilt is just beautiful...what a treasure. Bruno is a cutie. Oh the fawn story was so sweet. Thank you for sharing that with us.
What a find! Did you not have a clue it was in the basement?? That puppy is pretty dern cute and I don't like LITTLE dogs. Sweet on the fawn. We have seen a few all curled up like that left by their mothers.
Loved your post about all those miracles - the robins, the fawn, the new puppy, Bruno and your grandmother's quilt! It left me with a warm feeling. Thanks!
Your grandmother's quilt is pleasing to the eye, the colours are beautifully blended
I love your grandmother's quilt - such wonderful colors. And the new puppy is adorable. The best is seeing the doe and her fawn - knowing that the Mama is taking care of her baby. Oh, and that the baby robins have flown off to their new life!
What a lovely family treasure. Cute little pup...and I agree...Bruno is a strong name;) Your baby deer...Mother Nature up close and personal;)
Hello....what a beautiful post to read thank you....I enjoyed seeing the fawn......and to have one of your granmothers quilts...so precious.....warm regards lyn ohh and of course Bruno......when he grows up he just may have big dog syndrome......like our little bloke
I always like a good quilt wrapped up in family and nature! Glad everyone is settled in for the summer. Enjoy!
I can't believe all the cool things going on at your house! How sweet!
How neat! A doe, a fawn, a new puppy (with, I must say, an exceptionally good name!), and that wonderful treasure of a quilt. What a marvelous find!
Hiya Screendoor.. lol. I bumped into your blog by accident and it's lovely. You do beautiful work.
I would love to see something so precious.
Nature is such a blessing to see.
Your quilts are just beautiful. I used to be a quilter. And your doggies are so cute. I loved the pictures of the fawn. How precious!
Bruno is very cute and looks to have lots of attitude. Wasn't mother deer clever her baby was so well camouflaged.
Beautiful quilt! That fawn was sooo sweet, too.
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