OK—I confess… I’m a stalker. Not the people kind… the porch kind. I finished piecing my quilt and set out quilt and camera in hand for a photograph. I always knock first.

No one was home and thought as long as I didn’t photograph a house number what harm could it cause? Fate intervened and of course the homeowners pull into the drive right in the middle of my photo shoot… Lesson learned, I get caught at everything. I better live a clean life. They were real nice people. Told me to take all the photos I wanted, I could even paint the porch if I wanted.
Here are the borders attached to the piece.

After it is quilted I’ll show a complete shot. You may notice that the borders are different than the pattern (see previous post). I could tell you that I’m adventuring out on my creativity…. That I was trying to ‘make it my own’. But truth be told… I lost the pattern. I carry patterns with me everywhere I go—Being an Mom that works inside AND outside the home---there’s usually more time to read about quilting than actually doing it. I could have figured it out, but I just didn’t want to use the brainpower necessary to duplicate the pattern details.

I kept looking at the pile of scraps left from piecing this quilt…It look like a lot of waste to me. So I opted for making 300 half square triangles from the leftovers and I’m really pleased with the outcome. And I have border fabric leftover now for another project.

It’s 55 degrees today and overcast, but the pups and I have been weeding the garden and with a sweatshirt the temperature is just about perfect….
Until Tomorrow----
You seriously went to someone else's front porch for the photo?? Your own porch is pictured in the going to church shot right?? They look so similar. Too funny on being caught though! I would have been caught too. Love your quilt, even if you did change up the border ;)
That is hilarious! I would definitely have gotten caught too!!! Gosh, that porch doesn't look like it even needs painting! Those people should see MY porch--it needs help.
You did!!!!! LOL...
Have to say they have a lovely porch..perfect for the quilt..:o)) Love it..you did a gorgeous work with all the half square triangles!!!
That is so funny Melanie, and getting sprung. Bonus that they were nice people. Your quilt top looks beautiful, and good for you on creating your own border, that really makes it your own.
Just go to someone's house to take a picture without even asking! You are my hero.
The quilt is terrific!
It is a beautiful quilt, and you found a wonderful setting for it. What a great idea to "borrow" another setting if you don't have one you want. I also would definitely get caught with my luck.
That's too funny. I bet you wanted to crawl under the steps! You picked a great porch tho. The quilt looks so pretty on it.
too funny but so worth the pictures! what a great porch.
I love your quilt too it's beautiful
Oh Mel you are way too much! Who would do anything to a woman holding a beautiful quilt. I can't wait to hear what you are up to tomorrow!! Be careful!
I love the quilt. It is beautiful. LOL! I just can't believe you were snapping shots on someone else's porch and got caught. That is hilarious. I'll be waiting for tomorrow's episode just to see if you can top this one. LOL! Take care! Karen
Your posting has given me a really good chuckle this morning - just typical the owners arriving mid photo-shoot! Love the quilt top - it was definitely worth stitching all those triangles
Great idea...I had never thought about using someone elses house for quilt pics.....too funny that you got "caught"....great quilt (and nice porch!).....We had people drive up and start taking photos of their kids in front of our house..turns out they used to live here sometime before we bought the house.....nice people too!
OMG that is too funny! Caught in the act...love the quilt...and I really love that you made it your own.
I'm glad you took the risk, the photos are worth it (at least to me, at home safe in my chair). The quilt turned out so pretty!
This is just too funny! It's like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Beautiful picture and I absolutely love the quilt. :-)
I had to delete my comment as I realized I had called you by the wrong name. My mind is gone.
Anyhow, I had said that you were very brave to be taking photos on someone's porch without permission. You are lucky they were nice people and didn't shoot and ask questions later. I commented not too long ago that I like the way you choose different outdoor locations for taking photos of your projects!
Well, who could be upset when their porch is being decorated in such a lovely way *s* Bet you'll be the topic of conversation for a long time!
The quilt looks beautiful on the borrowed porch! I love the quilt. I am a collector of quilts and have done a few small ones or wall hangings. I admire anyone who can make a full-size quilt.
I got a great laugh about your porch stalking story! I love the quilt!
Yea, that story will be told for a while..."we came home and found a lady taking pictures of her quilt on the porch!" Too funny! I have a serious thing for porches but I've not done that yet...I do sneek pictures and I have a whole folder of pictures of my dream porches!
Lovely quilt deserves a great porch!
LOL - Boy did you have some explaining to do...! At least they were kind about and you did get some great pics of an absolutely gorgeous quilt! Well done on both counts!
I love your quilt and the choice of your photo shoots.
That's too funny and you got caught as well. The photo's turned out great and I love the fabrics you used in your quilt.
Mel, Mel, Mel...you've got more nerve than me. I feel guilty when I even stop in front of house that I admire..LOL
The quilt top looks wonderful, love the colors and I admit, it looks great on that porch. Have fun with the quilting. Big summer hugs, Finn
lol. That cracks me up.
Beautiful quilt and a funny story - thanks for sharing :-)
Have I told you that I absolutely love your painted signs and your sayings ? I do , I do , I do :-))
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