It’s raining—both literally and figuratively. I guess the sign I made fits.

For the past three weeks the boss has been telling others I was laid off. He has this plan that everyone in our office takes a week off with unemployment because of the economy. Well, week one went by, and I wasn’t. Oh yeah, I had taken a vacation day and came back and my name was on the payroll girl’s email—I got the cc copy. (I sound bitter, don’t I). Then the rumors went around again on week two and I was still working every day. Week three comes around and I get the notice. It could always be worse. It’s just for a week until the next rotation comes around. I think God was definitely telling me I need to slow down too. The boss said, “It’s nothing personal,” when I asked how much money was the company saving by doing this….But funny, when it’s happening to you—It sure feels personal. I can think of a million things that are going undone --- but someone in the office said… when it’s your turn, you just walk away. It’s not your problem anymore. I’m really trying…..
So, I went home and picked daisies for the table.

I love my new paper napkins—a Walmart special. I changed a few quilts around and changed my dishes on my shelf.

I make lists--- Lists for quilts to make, chores to do, gratitudes, reasons not to be angry… I’m a list maker. I’m hoping to post every day I’m off—because I’m going to keep things in perspective.
Quilting has taken a back seat—truthfully… it’s been all the way into the trunk. Summertime, kids being home, family stuff, have all come before the needle and thread. That will change this week. Here is the Basket for April BOM at
Country Loft 
and the March block for
Ruby’s Garden.

Yeah, I think I’m getting my groove back.
Well, the rain has stopped—both literally and figuratively---I’ve got week off and didn’t have to use vacation time.

These two guys are becoming buddies and they are ready for a run….
my family
Corn on the Cob—w/lots of butter
Hope you are able to find some rainbows after the rain...
Your pups are so cute! I'm sure they will be happy that you're home.
I hope that you are able to enjoy this time off although it is a hard way to get time off. Love your stitchery. I need to get back to my Leanne's House blocks.
But you're going back, right? You're on a week furlough only? As Juliann says, it is definitely a hard way to get a week off.
There is a rainbow waiting for you, Melanie - just ride out the storm. (hugs)
Very good sign and especially good since you made it. It looks very professional.
I don't think I would like that week off from work without pay but what can you do. And it gives you time to refresh yourself. Hope you have some wonderful time and creations come pouring forth!
I think Darlene took the words from my mouth. Just use this time to rest, relax and do what brings you the most joy.
One week for you Mel. Enjoy it,rest, relax and spend time with your family. After the rain everything looks greener and smells fresher. Have a good week. Hugs are headed your way!
It would be nice if there was some communication with the staff as to how much this is saving the company....but I guess having a week off without pay is better than not having a job to go back to....I hope you are able to recharge your batteries and don't worry about what is not getting done at work...enjoy the will be back at work soon enough......although I agree with the previous comments that it is a hard way to get time off!
I totally agree with Darlene....your rainbow is not too far away...
Sounds like you have found the silver lining to your forced week off. Do all lot of the little things that you never find time for. All the regular stuff will still be there when you are back at work *s*
Take some time to do things just for you, make it a special week.
I don't understand the 'it's not personal' expression - it may not be to them, but of course it is for you.
Sending big hugs your way.
Who is Ransom's buddy? They make a cute pair.
Put yourself at the top of the list for the week, I think you have earned the right to that. Happy stitching.
Take a day to enjoy your kids and it in a chair outside and soak up the sights and sounds. Look at a magazine and dream...enjoy this opportunity to recharge....take care of yourself. Dianntha
You know in times of economic hardship and downturn there often have to be unsavoury situations to face but I really don't feel your employers went about this in a particularly professional way. You do well to look on the bright side treating it as time off without having to use up holiday time but it still sticks in the throat somewhat. Hopefully you can take some time out for yourself during this week and spoil yourself (((hugs)))
We understand what you are going through completely. My husband is facing the same thing... one week off EVERY month. So we will definitely be feeling the pinch. I am very sorry.
Love your blocks and the dogs are so cute!
Your babies are darling. Yes, it feels personal! The hospital tries to cancel the nurses when they are slow, no patients...but I am a full time employee, and that is my contract. Grrrr!! Yes, personal...
Another prim Yooper! (I thought I was the only one!) Love your website!!!
Hello from Skanee!
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