I haven’t bought hanging baskets for the front porch because I don’t want to disturb them or frighten the momma bird from carrying for them.
Both of my kids are home for the summer, each having summer jobs.

Eric turned 21 last week, so we celebrated. It was an adjustment, but we’ve kind of settled into a routine. It’s still hard to let go… but I’m doing a fair job of loosening the “apron strings” so to speak.
My garden is planted. The porch is filled with Geraniums on the steps.

On the sewing front, I’ve been stitching away on my BOM projects.

Summer is in full swing I guess. We’ve even thrown in some bike rides. I haven’t posted as much, but I’m trying to hold onto every moment of the season.
Rainy days to slow down
Chelsey making me laugh
Oh my how they are changing! Beautiful young adults for you to cherish and enjoy.
Love your stitchery!
Oh... they are still there.. the robins... lucky you to be able to see them so close...
Love your new stitchery.. that BOM is just lovely!!! And some more blocks.. sure they look wonderful too.. Enjoy summer and the bikerides!!! :o))
Oh the robins are so cute!
Enjoy summer, and having your kids home!
I wondered if you were still kicking. Hadn't seen a post in a little while. I am anxious to see what your 25 block quilt looks like!
Love your blog name; we actually have a web site dedicated to porches and bought a house once because of the screen porch!
I have a mama robin sitting on a nest right now. I hope I can be as lucky as you to capture a photo of the babies!!!
The robins are so sweet! It sounds like you're full swing into summer. I'm glad your kids have jobs...one of mine is working, the college grad is still looking. Love your stitchery!
I'll be thinking good thoughts for your pumpkin patch. I started seeds in the house . . . . only the smallest survived the transplant. Go figure *s*
Your stitching is beautiful!
Your kids are getting so 'grown up' now :o) It is definitely an interesting time in a Mom's life... I certainly understand that!
You have beautiful children. And the baby robins are precious. I'm looking forward to seeing your 25-block quilt.
Isn't nature a beautiful thing. What darling little robin babies.
Love, love love,your geranium. I adore them especially the smell, DH hates them because of them smell.
It is hard to loosen the apron strings isn't it, then suddenly I think it happens for you.
Hey! I just discovered your blog and am glad I did. The bom you are doing by Waltzing With Bears, I've made a quilt out of those embroideries! Cheryl, the genius behind W with B, is a local gal that works at the lqs. She is so great and I love knowing her personally. She has so many fantastic patterns, including some real cute recent baby quilts, and she is so cute!
Your two look so happy - a real credit to you. The baby blackbirds are a delight
Oh my gosh...how they've grown up. Beautiful young adults...enjoy the summer with them.
Those baby robins are soooooooo sweet!
Oh my gosh...how they've grown up. Beautiful young adults...enjoy the summer with them.
Those baby robins are soooooooo sweet!
I love the pictures of your baby robins. I hope you post more before they take flight. I had a beautiful nest in my pine tree but I think the adults were new at the nesting thing as they didn't build it in away from weather and predators easy reach. I watched them oh so closely, start to finish but just 8 days after the babies hatched the magpies and crows swooped in and stole them away. I'm taking the nest down or possibly getting the ladder and resetting it high and in very dense needles, close to the center where it will be safer for next years use. We have robins, sparrows, finches and canaries that all nest in the same huge spruce. I hope these inexperienced parents will come back next year for another try.
Seems all the blogs I follow are full of wonderful photos of nests and baby birds...I love it. I will be happily following your blog ;-) Thanks for entering my giveaway!
Those baby robins are so cute! Great photo. So nice to see a photo of your kids - no, adults!
It is hard to let them go, isn't it, but they are blossoming just like your punkin patch!
Good morning! I just found your blog and love it! That little doe is precious! What a blessing to see!
In an earlier post I saw a garden sign that you said you had stenciled. Where did you find the stencil? Love the lettering! I'm looking for something just like that for my mailbox...
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